Kur’an-ı kerim’de insan - şeytan ilişkisi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kur’ân-ı Kerim, yaratıcı, insan ve şeytan ilişkilerine önem veren bir kitaptır. Yüce Allah’ın yarattıklarından istediği kulluktur. Bunun için insan kendisini ve Allah’ı bilmesi gerekir. Bu da inanma ve inandığını yaşama ile olur. İblis insana düşmandır. Onu Allah’tan uzaklaştırmayı ister. O Allah’a isyan etmiş, yaptığına pişman olmaması sebebiyle de kovulmuştur. İblisin Allah’a yapabileceği bir kötülük yoktur. Onun muhatabı insandır. İnsanı kulluktan uzaklaştırmak için bazı planları vardır. Bunlar: aile düzenini bozma, vesvese verme, tahrik etme, yalan söyleme, aldatma, günahları süslü gösterme, unutturma ve sihirdir. Bu makalede insan şeytan ilişkisi ve şeytandan korunmanın şartlarını bulacaksınız.
The Holy Qur’an is a creative book and also a book that is attaching importance to the relations between human being and Satan. To Worship God is the only thing that Almighty Allah, expects from all human beings so, he man must know himself and Almighty Allah better. This is also possible by belief and making all his believes live. Satan (devil) is an enemy to human being. He always wants man to be sent away from heaven because he didn’t regret his rebellion(sin) There is nothing that Satan can do to Allah. His drawee is human being. Some plans are made in order to take human beings awey from their worship. These are: Destroying family orders, giving anxity, provoking, lying, deceiving, decoration of sins, causing to forget and witchcraft .(magic) In this article, you will find the relationship between Human being and Devil and also conditions protecting human being from Devil.
The Holy Qur’an is a creative book and also a book that is attaching importance to the relations between human being and Satan. To Worship God is the only thing that Almighty Allah, expects from all human beings so, he man must know himself and Almighty Allah better. This is also possible by belief and making all his believes live. Satan (devil) is an enemy to human being. He always wants man to be sent away from heaven because he didn’t regret his rebellion(sin) There is nothing that Satan can do to Allah. His drawee is human being. Some plans are made in order to take human beings awey from their worship. These are: Destroying family orders, giving anxity, provoking, lying, deceiving, decoration of sins, causing to forget and witchcraft .(magic) In this article, you will find the relationship between Human being and Devil and also conditions protecting human being from Devil.
İnsan, Şeytan, Kur’an, Human being, Satan, Devil, Qoran
Kaya, R. (2003). "Kur’an-ı kerim’de insan - şeytan ilişkisi". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 1-30.