Kur’an ve sünnet ışığında varlık evrelerinin merkez paydaşı su
Günay, İlhami
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Gelecek tasavvuru yapabilen insanın gayb âlemini düşünmesi normaldir. İnsanın küçük kıyameti sayılan ölümü, gaybi hayatın birinci durağını, dünya hayatının bütününü sonlandıran büyük kıyamet ise, ikinci aşamasını oluşturmaktadır. Hesap vermek için yeniden dirilişten, ebedi yurda/cennete veya cehenneme yerleşmeye kadar devam eden mahşer süreci ise üçüncü merhaleyi teşkil etmektedir. Görünmeyen ve tecrübe edilmeyen bu gaybi hayatın, dünya hayatıyla benzer özellikler taşıyıp taşımaması merakı, su üzerinden tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Öncelikle mümin veya inkârcı insanların sekerât halinin ve akabinde kabir hayatının su ile alakası incelenmiştir. Suyun en açık ifadelerle zikredildiği aşama ise, kıyametin kopma sürecidir. Bu aşamada dünyanın bütün denizleri ve okyanusları, birbirine karışıp kaynatılacaktır. Kıyameti takiben yer ve göklerin başka bir düzenle yeniden kurulmasından sonra aslı su olan insan, arşın altında bulunan denizden indirileceği anlaşılan su ile ot biter gibi mahşerin toprağından diriltilecektir. Cennet veya cehenneme yerleştirilinceye kadar da su ile alakası devam edecektir.
For a human being who have future imagination, thinking about the unseen is normal. The death of a man, which can be considered a minor doomsday, constitutes the first stage of the unseen life and the major doomsday which end the eternal life all together constitutes the second. The day of last judgment which continues from resurrection until settling eternal hostel, paradise, constitutes the third stage. The curiosity about if this unseen life which is not suited to be experienced carries characteristics of the temporal world have been tried to be based on water. First of all, how the situation of the believers or unbelievers during their death coma, and thereafter their life in the graves has been examined. The stage when the water expressed with clearest words is the breaking process off the doomsday. At this stage all the oceans and waters of the world will be mixed and boiled. During the Resurrection, after the heaven and earth will be re-established, people who are originally water will be raised from the ground with water that will apparently be downloaded from the sea under the cubit, such as weed germination. Their relevance with water will continue until they are settled in heaven or hell.
For a human being who have future imagination, thinking about the unseen is normal. The death of a man, which can be considered a minor doomsday, constitutes the first stage of the unseen life and the major doomsday which end the eternal life all together constitutes the second. The day of last judgment which continues from resurrection until settling eternal hostel, paradise, constitutes the third stage. The curiosity about if this unseen life which is not suited to be experienced carries characteristics of the temporal world have been tried to be based on water. First of all, how the situation of the believers or unbelievers during their death coma, and thereafter their life in the graves has been examined. The stage when the water expressed with clearest words is the breaking process off the doomsday. At this stage all the oceans and waters of the world will be mixed and boiled. During the Resurrection, after the heaven and earth will be re-established, people who are originally water will be raised from the ground with water that will apparently be downloaded from the sea under the cubit, such as weed germination. Their relevance with water will continue until they are settled in heaven or hell.
Kur’an, Varoluş, Sünnet, Su, Varlık, Qur’ān, Sunnah, Existence, Water, Presence
Günay, İ. (2015). "Kur’an ve sünnet ışığında varlık evrelerinin merkez paydaşı su". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(1), 133-172.