Sinop Balatlar kazısında ortaya çıkarılmaya başlanan Erken Bizans Dönemi döşeme mozaikleriyle ilgili ilk veriler
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sinop’ta Balatlar Kilisesi adıyla tanınan yapı kalıntısı, aslında Geç Roma Dönemi’ne ait bir imparatorluk hamam kompleksidir. 2010 yılından beri yapılan arkeolojik kazılar, yapının daha erken döneme ait kalıntılar üzerine, Geç Roma Dönemi hamamı olarak inşa edildiğini, buluntuların da İÖ 6. yüzyıldan 20. yüzyıla kadar geçen uzun bir sürece ait olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Hristiyanlığın resmi din olarak ilan edildiği 4. yüzyıl sonu ya da 5. yüzyılda hamamın caldariumu kiliseye, tepidariumu avluya ve frigidarium bölümü de mezarlık / gömü alanına dönüştürülmüştür. 7. yüzyılın ilk yarısında büyük kilisenin tahrip olmasından sonra sıcaklığın güney haç koluna ve palaestranın batısına yeni kiliseler inşa edilmiştir. 13. yüzyıldan 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısına kadar geçen süreçte ise yapı kompleksinin içinde başka bir kilise varlığını sürdürmüştür. Balatlar’daki en eski kilise 4. yüzyıl sonu ya da 5. yüzyıla tarihlenen VIII mekândaki (caldarium) kilisedir. Kilisenin içinde, avlusunda ve frigidariumda geniş bir mezarlık alanı bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma kapsamında, 2016-2017 yılı kazı sezonlarında bir bölümü gün ışığına çıkarılmış Erken Bizans Dönemi’ne ait mezarlık alanındaki döşeme mozaikleri tanıtılacaktır. Bağışçı yazıtları içeren ve Hristiyan inancıyla ilişkili ikonografik anlam taşıyan mozaik panolarda çok renkli dekoratif geometrik, bitkisel ve figürlü desenler birlikte kullanılmıştır.
The remains of the structure known as the Balatlar Church in Sinop are originally an imperial bath complex from the Late Roman period. The archaeological excavations since 2010 have revealed that the bath was built in the late Roman period on the remains of an earlier structure and the finds that covers quite a wide range of time from 6th century BC to 20thcentury AD. When the Christianity became the official religion; at the end of 4th century or in the 5th century caldarium of the bath was transformed into a church, while tepidarium was turned into a courtyard and frigidarium into a graveyard/burial area. After the destruction of the bigger church in the first half of the 7th century, new churches were built to the southern cross of caldarium and western part of palaestra. From the 13th century until the first half of the 20th century another church within the building complex continued to exist. The oldest church in Balatlar is the one in area no VIII (caldarium) dated to the 5th-6th centuries. A large cemetery has been found within the church, in the courtyard and at the frigidarium. In this study, floor mosaics from early Byzantine period unearthed at the cemetery during the 2016-2017 excavation seasons will be introduced. In those mosaics, which also contain inscriptions of the benefactors, we observe that multi-colored decorative geometric, floral and figurative designs that are connected to Christian iconographic repertoire were used together.
The remains of the structure known as the Balatlar Church in Sinop are originally an imperial bath complex from the Late Roman period. The archaeological excavations since 2010 have revealed that the bath was built in the late Roman period on the remains of an earlier structure and the finds that covers quite a wide range of time from 6th century BC to 20thcentury AD. When the Christianity became the official religion; at the end of 4th century or in the 5th century caldarium of the bath was transformed into a church, while tepidarium was turned into a courtyard and frigidarium into a graveyard/burial area. After the destruction of the bigger church in the first half of the 7th century, new churches were built to the southern cross of caldarium and western part of palaestra. From the 13th century until the first half of the 20th century another church within the building complex continued to exist. The oldest church in Balatlar is the one in area no VIII (caldarium) dated to the 5th-6th centuries. A large cemetery has been found within the church, in the courtyard and at the frigidarium. In this study, floor mosaics from early Byzantine period unearthed at the cemetery during the 2016-2017 excavation seasons will be introduced. In those mosaics, which also contain inscriptions of the benefactors, we observe that multi-colored decorative geometric, floral and figurative designs that are connected to Christian iconographic repertoire were used together.
Sinop, Balatlar Kilisesi, Mezar mozaikleri, Kuş mozaikleri, Kartal, Balatlar Church, Funeral mosaics, Birds mosaics, Eagle
Köroğlu, G. ve Tok, E. (2018). "Sinop Balatlar kazısında ortaya çıkarılmaya başlanan Erken Bizans Dönemi döşeme mozaikleriyle ilgili ilk veriler". Journal of Mosaic Research, 11, 121-135.