Two simple models of nuclear transparency

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the concept of transparency. The paper begins by discussing the often-misunderstood nature of transparency and offers an alternative explanation as conceptualized by the authors. In addition, various subcomponents of transparency are introduced and explained. Then two simple, but useful, models are introduced in an attempt to help clarify the way in which the authors view the concept. Both models are based on analogies that draw loosely from the field of optics. The first model employs clouds and refraction whereas the second invokes lines of sight and the transmitting properties of a window. Finally, predictions based on the two models are proposed.



Transparency, Nuclear arms control, Non-proliferation, Nation state interaction, Optics


Johnston, R. G. vd. (2008). "Two simple models of nuclear transparency". International Journal of Social Inquiry, 1(2), 201-235.