Determination of fatty acids and some undesirable fatty acid isomers in selected Turkish margarines

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The fatty acid composition and total trans fatty acid content in 10 margarines produced in Turkey were determined by capillary gas chromatography and Fourier transform - infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The fatty acid composition ranged as follows: saturated fatty acids, C16:0 (palmitic) 11.3 to 31.8% and Cl 8:0 (stearic) 5.7 to 8.7%, monounsaturated fatty acids, C18:1 (oleic) 21.8 to 35.7% and C18:1 trans isomers 0.4 to 27.4%, polyunsaturated fatty acid, C18:2 linoleic acid 5.2 to 40.2%. Some positional isomers of C18:1 as cis-11-octadecenoic acid varied from 0.7 to 4.6% and cis-13 trace to 2.4%. The total trans fatty acid contents were between 0.9 and 32.0% when measured with capillary gas chromatography and between 0 and 30.2% with FTIR spectroscopy. Some of the margarines analyzed contained trace amount of trans fatty acids which could not be detected by FT-IR spectroscopy.



Food science and technology, Nutrition and dietetics, Trans fatty acids, Margarines, Capillary gas chromatography (GC), FT-IR spectroscopy, Total trans content, Rapid analysis, Recent trends, Emphasis, Oil, Spectroscopy


Çetin, M. vd. (2003). “Determination of fatty acids and some undesirable fatty acid isomers in selected Turkish margarines”. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 105(11), 683-687.