Evaluation of chenille fabric abrasion performance with several abrasion test methods

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Assoc Textile Engineers Technicians Croatia


The main objective of this study is to investigate the abrasion properties of upholstery fabrics from chenille yams, comparatively using different abrasion test methods. The abrasion resistance measurements of the test samples are performed on a Martindale abrasion tester. Several abrasion test methods are employed, determination of abrasion cycle (pile abrasion started), ASTM 4158-82, EN ISO 12947-2 for woven fabrics and EN ISO 12947-2 for pile fabrics using chenille fabric samples to investigate the sensitivity of different evaluation methods to various yam parameters. Furthermore, a chenille yam abrasion device is used to measure abrasion resistance in the yam form. Correlation analyses reveal the relationships between variables of yam mass loss (%), fabric mass loss (%), and abrasion cycles (pile abrasion started, pile is fully worn off, and two threads are broken). The experimental results show that abrasion resistance of the fabrics tested are significantly affected by chenille yam production parameters and fiber types for all the test methods employed. Evaluations are made of the practical uses of different abrasion methods.



Materials science, Parameters, Abrasion resistance, Chenille fabric, Chenille yarn, Pile fabric, Upholstery


Çeven, E. K. ve Özdemir, Ö. (2005). "Evaluation of chenille fabric abrasion performance with several abrasion test methods". Tekstil, 54(11), 535-547.