Cladosporium Link ex Fr. and Alternaria Nees ex Fr. spores in the atmosphere of Edirne

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


In this study which was carried out during the years 2000-2001, was aimed to identify the amount of spores of Cladosporium Link ex Fr. and Alternaria Nees ex Fr. in the atmosphere of Edirne city. This study was carried out according to the gravimetric method. Before exposure of the atmospheric particles, the slides smeared with glycerine jelly stained with basic fuchsine and were changed weekly. The number of spores was expressed as spores per square centimeter of microscope cover glass. Spores of Cladosporium spp. and Alternaria spp. were recorded throughout the year in the atmosphere of Edirne. During the two years observations, a total 6318 spores/cm2 belonging to Cladosporium spp. and Alternaria spp. were identified. In total 1223 spores/cm2 belonged to Alternaria spp. and 5095 spores/cm2 belonged to Cladosporium spp.. Maximum spores were encountered in July.



Alternaria spp., Cladosporium spp., Allergy, Edirne, Meteorology


Çelenk, S. vd. (2007). “Cladosporium Link ex Fr. and Alternaria Nees ex Fr. spores in the atmosphere of Edirne”. Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 1(3), 127-130.