Cerebellar granulocytic sarcoma: A case report

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Galenos Yayıncılık


Granulocytic sarcoma is a rare tumor composed of immature granulocytic cells that is usually associated with acute myelogenous leukemia. Intraparenchymal cranial localization without skull, meningeal, or bone marrow invasion is extremely rare. The mechanisms of intraparenchymal cranial localization of GS remains unknown, as only 10 cases with cerebellar granulocytic sarcoma have been previously reported. Herein, we report a four year old boy with cerebellar localization of granulocytic sarcoma.
Granulositik sarkom, genellikle akut myelositer lösemiye eşlik eden immatür granülositik hücrelerden oluşan nadir bir tümördür. Kafatası, meninks ve kemik iliği tutulumu olmaksızın izole intrakranial parankimal tutulum ise çok daha nadirdir ve mekanizması henüz tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Literatürde 10 vaka bildirilmiştir. Bu raporumuzda kemik iliği tutulumu olmadan izole serebellar parankimde yer alan granülositik sarkom tartışılmıştır.



Hematology, Children, Acute leukemia, Granulocytic sarcoma, Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, Acute myeloid-leukemia, Central-nervous-system, Of-the-literature, Turkish children, Extramedullary leukemia, Cell tumors, Infiltration, Chloroma, Cancer, Çocuk, Akut lösemi, Granülositik sarkom


Baytan, B. vd. (2012). "Cerebellar granulocytic sarcoma: A case report". Turkish Journal of Hematology, 29(2), 177-180.