A birds mosaic in Qalaat Seman

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Pilgrims’ Baths are excavated since 2008 in Qalaat Seman, dating from the same period than the whole site (end of 5th century), they are partially dug. A large mosaic covers a courtyard surrounded by three galleries (circa 200 m2 ). Around 60% of the space is presently visible. The two excavated galleries present the same simple geometric pattern. In the contrary, the court is covered by a large pattern of adjacent octagons and squares. The originality and interest of this mosaic lays in the filling motifs of the octagons: each of them contains alternatively a bird or a vegetal motif. The birds present many different types and orientation, with bright colours and lively attitudes. The vegetal motifs between birds display trees, bushes and flowers. Some of them are replaced by an empty birdcage with open door. Geometric elements fill the peripheral compartments. This aviary presents an original interpretation of the mosaics showing birds, frequent in the surrounding of Antioch or Apamea, but presenting other forms. We will try to study examples of similar theme in order to locate the workshop of Qalaat Seman among the rich Near East mosaic production.



Mosaic, Syria, Birds, Baths, Byzantine Period, Mozaik, Suriye, Kuşlar, Hamamlar, Bizans Dönemi


Raynaud, M. (2012). "A birds mosaic in Qalaat Seman". Journal of Mosaic Research, 5, 173-185.
