Erzincan Altıntepe church with mosaic
Can, Birol
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
M.S. 6. yüzyıl ortalarına (imparator I. Justinianus dönemine) tarihli Altıntepe kilisesi, iç mekanı 19,60 x 11,30 m ölçülerinde, doğu-batı doğrultusunda uzanan 2 x 3 sütun dizimli, üç nefli ve bazilikal planlıdır. Doğu yönde yaklaşık 60 cm yükseklikte apsis platformu yer alır. Girişi olasılıkla kuzeydendir. Yaklaşık 220 m²lik alan kaplayan kilise iç zemini, güneydoğudaki pastaphorion hücresi dışında tamamen mozaiklerle döşenmiştir. Dikdörtgen panolarda, çeşitli geometrik ve bitkisel unsurun yanı sıra, dönem stilini yansıtan çok sayıda hayvan betimlemeleriyle de karşılaşılmaktadır. Zemin dışında, duvarların ve kemerlerin de mozaik ve duvar resimleriyle kaplı olduğu kalıntılardan anlaşılmaktadır. Zaman zaman onarımlar geçiren yapı MS. 7. yüzyılda Arap akınlarıyla yıkılmış, ancak kaledeki Bizans varlığı sone ermemiştir.
Altıntepe is situated in Eastern Anatolia and 15 km away from the Erzincan city center which is in the northeast direction. The castle, which is lying on a possessive situation for the Erzincan plain, is founded on a volcanic hill that has 400 m. in diameter and 60 m. in height (Fig. 1). The remnants of the castle, in which the clues of the first settlements reaches to the Bronze Age, belongs to the Urartian period . It is also understood from the ruins of the construct that are unearthed that the castle retains its importance in later periods. The church complex having mosaic pavements that forms our study’s subject is one of those remnants.
Altıntepe is situated in Eastern Anatolia and 15 km away from the Erzincan city center which is in the northeast direction. The castle, which is lying on a possessive situation for the Erzincan plain, is founded on a volcanic hill that has 400 m. in diameter and 60 m. in height (Fig. 1). The remnants of the castle, in which the clues of the first settlements reaches to the Bronze Age, belongs to the Urartian period . It is also understood from the ruins of the construct that are unearthed that the castle retains its importance in later periods. The church complex having mosaic pavements that forms our study’s subject is one of those remnants.
Altıntepe, Mosaic, Basilica, Early Byzantine, Justinianus, Mosaik, Basilika, Erken Bizans
Can, B. (2009). "Erzincan Altıntepe church with mosaic". Journal of Mosaic Research, 3, 5-13.