Iğdır ili arıcılarının sosyo-ekonomik durumu
Kadirhanoğulları, İbrahim Hakkı
Karadaş, Köksal
Külekci, Murat
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı Iğdır ili arıcılarının demografik özelliklerini ve arıcılıkla ilgili sorunlarını belirleyerek bunların çözümüne ve daha yüksek verim elde etmelerine katkı sağlayacak önerilerde bulunmak ve böylece arıcıların daha fazla gelir elde etmelerini sağlamaktır. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler, Iğdır İli Arıcılar Birliği’ne üye 85 arıcılık işletmesi ile tamsayım yöntemine göre yapılan anketlerden elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda işletmelerde Erkek İş Birimi (EİB) cinsinden ortalama nüfus 3.44, işletmeciler 20 yıllık iş tecrübesine sahip olup, yaş ortalamaları 52 ve %61.20’sinin ilköğretim düzeyinde eğitim aldıkları belirlenmiştir. İşletmecilerin %87.06’sının arıcılık dışında ek gelirleri bulunurken, %37.60’ının asıl geçim kaynağını arıcılık oluşturmaktadır. Kışlama kayıpları ve arı hastalıkları en önemli kovan sönme sebepleridir. Üreticilerin tamamı balı doğrudan tüketiciye satmakta ve satış yıl boyunca devam etmektedir. Bal pazarlaması ile ilgili en önemli sorunlar; pazarlamada etkili olacak kooperatiflerin olmaması, hak ettiği değere satılmaması, fiyat standardizasyonunun olmamasıdır. İşletmecilerin %55.29’u borçlu, ortalama borç miktarı 8,574.11 TL ve borç kaynakları Ziraat Bankası, diğer bankalar ve şahıslardır. Arıcılığı etkileyen olumsuz faktörlerin başında olumsuz iklim şartları, ürün fiyatındaki düşme, girdi maliyetindeki artış, kışlama kayıpları, hastalık ve zararlılarla etkin bir mücadele edememe gelmektedir. Bölge arıcılarının devletten belli başlı beklentileri; arıcılıkla ilgili kooperatif kurulması, kovan başına verilen arıcılık desteğinin arttırılması ve sahte balın önlenmesine yönelik tedbirlerin alınması olarak belirlenmiştir.
The aim of this study was to determine the demographic characteristics and apiarian problems of the beekeepers in Igdir province, and to make suggestion about the solution of the problems in order to obtain more yield in beekeeping. The data used in the study were obtained from 85 beekeepers registered at Igdir Beekeepers Association via census study method. The achieved results revealed that mean population (3.44) in male business unit, mean work experience (20 years), mean age (20 years old), and primary school graduate at 61.20(%) were found. Of the beekeepers, 87.06(%) had additional income expect for beekeeping, but 37.60(%) of them informed that beekeeping was their principal income source. The most important reasons of hive extinction were wintering losses and bee diseases. All the producers bought honey to consumers and honey product has been selling all the year around. The most significant problems of honey marketing were low price, lack of cooperatives and price standardization. Among them, 55.29(%) were debtors, and average dept amount was 8574.11 TL as well as sources of obligation were agricultural bank, private banks and person. The most important factors influencing beekeeping were climate conditions, followed by price reduction of the product, input cost increase, wintering losses, and no controllable effectively in diseases and pest, respectively. It was determined that main expectations of the region beekeepers from the government were on providing opportunity of becoming a cooperative, increasing beekeeping subsidy per hive, and taking necessary precaution in avoidance of fake honey.
The aim of this study was to determine the demographic characteristics and apiarian problems of the beekeepers in Igdir province, and to make suggestion about the solution of the problems in order to obtain more yield in beekeeping. The data used in the study were obtained from 85 beekeepers registered at Igdir Beekeepers Association via census study method. The achieved results revealed that mean population (3.44) in male business unit, mean work experience (20 years), mean age (20 years old), and primary school graduate at 61.20(%) were found. Of the beekeepers, 87.06(%) had additional income expect for beekeeping, but 37.60(%) of them informed that beekeeping was their principal income source. The most important reasons of hive extinction were wintering losses and bee diseases. All the producers bought honey to consumers and honey product has been selling all the year around. The most significant problems of honey marketing were low price, lack of cooperatives and price standardization. Among them, 55.29(%) were debtors, and average dept amount was 8574.11 TL as well as sources of obligation were agricultural bank, private banks and person. The most important factors influencing beekeeping were climate conditions, followed by price reduction of the product, input cost increase, wintering losses, and no controllable effectively in diseases and pest, respectively. It was determined that main expectations of the region beekeepers from the government were on providing opportunity of becoming a cooperative, increasing beekeeping subsidy per hive, and taking necessary precaution in avoidance of fake honey.
Arıcılık, Demografik özellikler, Üretici sorunları, Iğdır, Demographic characteristics, Beekeeping, Producer problems
Kadirhanoğulları, İ. H. vd. (2016). ''Iğdır ili arıcılarının sosyo-ekonomik durumu''. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 16(1), 2-11.