Bir kapibara’da (hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) idrar kesesi torsiyonu
Karakuzulu, Hatice
İpek, Volkan
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu olguda 8 aylık, 5 kg ağırlığında dişi bir kapibarada idrar kesesi torsiyonu olgusunun makroskobik ve mikroskobik bulguları tanımlandı. Nekropside hayvanın karın boşluğu açıldığında idrar kesesinin oldukça genişlemiş ve kendi çevresinde 360 derece dönmüş vaziyette olduğu ve serozal damarlarında şiddetli konjesyon dikkati çekti. Kesenin lümeni açıldığında yaklaşık 300 ml kanla karışık idrar varlığı ile kan pıhtısı gözlendi. Mukozada peteşiyel ve ekimotik kanamalar dikkati çekti. Üreter çaplarının bilateral olarak genişlediği görüldü. Bağırsak damarlarının da oldukça hiperemik olduğu ve peritonun pariyatel yaprağında kanama alanları gözlendi. Histopatolojik incelemede, idrar kesesinin epitel katmanının yer yer döküldüğü ve submukozadan serozaya kadar tüm katmanlarda şiddetli kanamaların şekillendiği görüldü. Böbreklerde bazı tubul lümenlerinde yer yer dilatasyon, epitellerde hidropik dejenerasyon ve deskuamasyon dikkati çekti. Yazarların bilgisine göre evcil hayvanlarda da ender gözlenen idrar kesesi torsiyonu bir kapibarada rapor edilmiştir. Bu tür olguların etiyojisinde travma ve intraabdominal operasyonlar bildirilmekte fakat bu olguda herhangi bir etiyoloji ortaya konulamamıştır.
In this study, a case of urinary bladder torsion in a 8 months old and 5 kg weight capybara is presented with gross and histopathological findings. Capybara was presented death before and during necropsy, urinary bladder was widen and undergone torsion 360 degree around itself and was noticed that serosal vessels severe hyperemic. When urinary bladder was opened, 300 ml a mixture of urine and blood was noticed. Mucosa of bladder was hemorrhagic. Ureters were seen bilaterally expanded. Serosal vessels of intestine were hyperemic and hemorrhage was observed on parietal peritoneal areas. Histopathological examination of urinary bladder revealed epithelial desquamation in bladder mucosa and cells fall into lumen and in all layers; submucosa to serosa, was seen intense hemorrhage. It has been found that epithelial cells accumulated within lumen of the kidneys. In some areas dilatation of tubules and hydropic degeneration of the epithelial cells were also noticed. The bladder torsion, which is very rare condition in mamals has been reported in capybara. The etiologies of bladder torsion are trauma and intra-abdominal operations, but in this case the cause could not be revealed
In this study, a case of urinary bladder torsion in a 8 months old and 5 kg weight capybara is presented with gross and histopathological findings. Capybara was presented death before and during necropsy, urinary bladder was widen and undergone torsion 360 degree around itself and was noticed that serosal vessels severe hyperemic. When urinary bladder was opened, 300 ml a mixture of urine and blood was noticed. Mucosa of bladder was hemorrhagic. Ureters were seen bilaterally expanded. Serosal vessels of intestine were hyperemic and hemorrhage was observed on parietal peritoneal areas. Histopathological examination of urinary bladder revealed epithelial desquamation in bladder mucosa and cells fall into lumen and in all layers; submucosa to serosa, was seen intense hemorrhage. It has been found that epithelial cells accumulated within lumen of the kidneys. In some areas dilatation of tubules and hydropic degeneration of the epithelial cells were also noticed. The bladder torsion, which is very rare condition in mamals has been reported in capybara. The etiologies of bladder torsion are trauma and intra-abdominal operations, but in this case the cause could not be revealed
Kapibara, Capybara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, İdrar kesesi torsiyon, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, Urinary bladder torsion
Arda, Ö. vd. (2017). "Bir kapibara’da (hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) idrar kesesi torsiyonu". Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 36(1-2), 45-47.