Koleslstektomili olguların postoperatif safra sızıntısı yönünden hepatobilier sintigrafi ile değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Elektif kolesistektomi uygulanan 35 olguda postoperalif 1. gün Tc 99m-IDA ile hepatobilier sintigrafi (kolesintigrafi) çalışması yapıldı. Kolesintigrafi ile postoperatif safra sızıntısı, bilier obstrüksiyon ve hepatosellüler disfonksiyon bulguları değerlendirildi. Safra sızıntısının sık görülen bir komplikasyon olduğu ve basit ve non-invaziv bir metod olan kolesintigrafi ile kolayca saptanabileceği belirlendi. % 15 oranında saptanan safra sızıntısının olguların hepsinde fokal ve az miktarda olup asemptomatik seyrettiği görüldü. Çalışma sonunda elde edilen bulgular literatür ile uyumlu bulundu.
Hepatobiliary scintigraphy ( cholescintigraphy) was performed with Tc 99m-IDA in postoperative first day in 35 cases who had gone elective cholecystectomy. The findings of bile leakage, biliary obstruction and hepatocellular disfunction were evaluated with cholescintigraphy studies. It was confirmed that bile leakage is a common complication and it can be easily detected with cholescintigraphy which is sirnple and non-invasive method. Bile leakage was determined in 15 % of our cases and all of them were local and clinically asymptomatic. The results of this study were found with literature findings.
Hepatobiliary scintigraphy ( cholescintigraphy) was performed with Tc 99m-IDA in postoperative first day in 35 cases who had gone elective cholecystectomy. The findings of bile leakage, biliary obstruction and hepatocellular disfunction were evaluated with cholescintigraphy studies. It was confirmed that bile leakage is a common complication and it can be easily detected with cholescintigraphy which is sirnple and non-invasive method. Bile leakage was determined in 15 % of our cases and all of them were local and clinically asymptomatic. The results of this study were found with literature findings.
Kolesistektomili olgular, Postoperatif safra sızıntısı, Hepatobilier sintigrafi, Hepatobiliary scintigraphy, Postoperative bile leakage, Cases with cholesistectomy
Güneş, İ. vd. (1990). ''Koleslstektomili olguların postoperatif safra sızıntısı yönünden hepatobilier sintigrafi ile değerlendirilmesi''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 429-435.