XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Tarsus’ta Müslim-Gayrimüslim ilişkileri
Poş, Abdullah
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hz. Peygamber döneminden itibaren yapılan zimmet antlaşmalarıyla, İslâm hâkimiyetini tanıyan gayrimüslimler, kendi din ve kültürlerini muhafaza ederek Müslümanlarla bir arada yaşama imkânına kavuşmuşlardı. İslâm hukukuna göre zimmet antlaşmasıyla gayrimüslimlerin her türlü can ve mal emniyeti devlet güvencesi altına alınmış; onlara inanç ve ibadet hürriyeti sağlanmış, ruhanî reislerine beratlar verilmiş, devlet hizmetinde bulunanlardan çeşitli vergiler alınmamıştır. İslâm tarihindeki bu hoşgörü ortamı sayesinde Osmanlı Devleti açısından çalkantılı bir dönem olan XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında bile Tarsus’ta, Müslümanlarla gayrimüslimler bir arada yaşamalarını sürdürebilmişlerdir. Aynı mahalle ve köyde uzun süre birlikte yaşama, gündelik hayatta birçok ilişkiyi de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu araştırmada, şer‘iye sicilleri temel kaynak alınarak XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Tarsus’taki Müslim-gayrimüslim münasebetleri sosyo-kültürel, hukukî ve ekonomik açılardan tahlil edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
With the debit agreements done after the period of Mohammad the Prophet, non-Muslims which accepted the authority of Islam 594 had the chance of keeping their own religions and cultures, and living together with the Muslims. According to Islamic Law; with the debit agreements, Non-Muslims’ security of life and property were guaranteed by the state; their freedom of belief and worship was maintained, diplomas were given to their clerical leaders and various taxes were not taken from ones that were in the civil service. Thanks to this allowance atmosphere in the Islamic history, even in the second half of XIX. century, which was an unsteady period for the Ottoman Empire, in Tarsus Muslims and non-Muslims could live together. Living together in the same neighborhood and village for a long time brought along many relations with it in the daily life. In this research, Muslim-non-Muslim relations were tried to be analyzed in socio-cultural, judicial and economical aspects in the second half of XIX. century by considering the religious calendars as resources.
With the debit agreements done after the period of Mohammad the Prophet, non-Muslims which accepted the authority of Islam 594 had the chance of keeping their own religions and cultures, and living together with the Muslims. According to Islamic Law; with the debit agreements, Non-Muslims’ security of life and property were guaranteed by the state; their freedom of belief and worship was maintained, diplomas were given to their clerical leaders and various taxes were not taken from ones that were in the civil service. Thanks to this allowance atmosphere in the Islamic history, even in the second half of XIX. century, which was an unsteady period for the Ottoman Empire, in Tarsus Muslims and non-Muslims could live together. Living together in the same neighborhood and village for a long time brought along many relations with it in the daily life. In this research, Muslim-non-Muslim relations were tried to be analyzed in socio-cultural, judicial and economical aspects in the second half of XIX. century by considering the religious calendars as resources.
Tarsus, Osmanlı, Şer‘iye sicilleri, 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı, Müslümanlar ve gayrimüslimler, Ottoman, Judicial records, Second half of 19th century, Muslims, Non-Muslims
Poş, A. (2008). "XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Tarsus’ta Müslim-Gayrimüslim ilişkileri". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 593-619.