Childhood immune thrombocytopenia: Long-term follow-up data evaluated by the criteria of the international working group on immune thrombocytopenic purpura

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Galenos Yayıncılık


Objective: Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a common bleeding disorder in childhood, characterized by isolated thrombocytopenia. The International Working Group (IWG) on ITP recently published a consensus report about the standardization of terminology, definitions, and outcome criteria in ITP to overcome the difficulties in these areas. Materials and Methods: The records of patients were retrospectively collected from January 2000 to December 2009 to evaluate the data of children with ITP by using the new definitions of the IWG. Results: The data of 201 children were included in the study. The median follow-up period was 22 months (range: 12-131 months). The median age and platelet count at presentation were 69 months (range: 7-208 months) and 19x10(9)/L (range: 1x10(9)/L to 93x10(9)/L), respectively. We found 2 risk factors for chronic course of ITP: female sex (OR=2.55, CI=1.31-4.95) and age being more than 10 years (OR=3.0, CI=1.5-5.98). Life-threatening bleeding occurred in 5% (n=9) of the patients. Splenectomy was required in 7 (3%) cases. When we excluded 2 splenectomized cases, complete remission at 1 year was achieved in 70% (n=139/199). The disease was resolved in 9 more children between 12 and 90 months. Conclusion: Female sex and age above 10 years old significantly influenced chronicity. Therefore, long-term follow-up is necessary in these children.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: ITP’li hastalarımıza ait kayıtlar Ocak 2000’den Kasım 2009’a kadar, geriye yönelik olarak, IWG’nin yeni kriterleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmek üzere toplandı. Bulgular: İki yüz bir çocuğun verileri çalışmaya dahil edildi. Ortanca takip süresi 22 ay (12-131 ay) idi. Başvuru anında ortanca yaş ve trombosit sayısı, sırası ile 69 ay (7-208 ay) ve 19x109/L (1-93x109/L) idi. Hastalığın kronikleşmesi açısından iki risk faktörü saptadık: Kız cinsiyet (OR=2,55, CI=1,31-4,95) ve yaşın 10’dan büyük olması (OR=3,0, CI=1,5-5,98). Hayatı tehdit edici kanama, hastaların 5%’inde (n=9) görüldü. Splenektomi yapılması,7 hastada (3%) gerekti. İlk bir yılda splenektomi yapılan 2 hasta göz ardı edildiğinde, tam remisyon (CR) 70% (n=139/199) hastada görüldü. Hastalık, kronik ITP’li olguların 9’unda (%15; 9/60) daha tanıdan itibaren12 ile 90 ay içerisinde düzeldi. Sonuç: Kız cinsiyet ve yaşın 10’dan büyük olması, kronikleşmeyi belirgin olarak etkiledi. Ancak bu çocuklarda uzun sureli takip gereklidir



Children, Thrombocytopenia, Long-term survival, Natural-history, Clinical characteristics, Management, Children, Splenectomy, Itp, Diagnosis, Hematology, Trombositopeni, Çocuk, Uzun dönem takip


Sezgin, M. E. vd. (2014). "Childhood immune thrombocytopenia: Long-term follow-up data evaluated by the criteria of the international working group on immune thrombocytopenic purpura". Turkish Journal of Hematology, 31(1), 32-39.