Reviewing the conformity of illustrated children's books to the book features mentioned on the preschool education program

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This research aims to study the books used at preschool institutions in respect to book features described on Family Support Training Guide (OBADER) which is integrated with Preschool Education Program issued by Ministry of Education (MEB) General Directorate of Primary Education.This research is a descriptive study in the "Form of a Survey". Work group consists of 270 books selected by random sampling method from the illustrated children's books used in these infant's schools. Books in the work group were evaluated individually according to every single item on the "Book Evaluation Form". The data obtained were analyzed by using frequency and percentages.When the illustration features of the books of work group are analyzed generally, it can be derived that most of the books are on a sufficient level.


Bu çalışma, 29-31, Ekim 2015 tarihlerinde Olomouc[Çek Cumhuriyeti]’ de düzenlenen 1. International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Education & educational research, Illustrated children boks, Book feature, Physical features, Illustration features, Content features


Başal, H. A. vd. (2016). "Reviewing the conformity of illustrated children's books to the book features mentioned on the preschool education program". ed. O. Titrek vd. ICLEL 2015: 1ST International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Leadership for All, 73-79.
