Karında kitlenin nadir bir nedeni: Trikobezoar
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Bezoar, sindirilemeyen maddelerin gastrointestinal sistem içinde birikmesiyle oluşan kitlelere verilen isimdir. Gerçek sıklığı bilinmemekle birlikte çocuklarda nadirdir. Trikobezoar özellikle psikiyatrik veya nörolojik sorunu olan genç adolesan kızlarda görülmektedir. Burada karın ağrısı ve kusma şikayeti olan on beş yaşında bir kız olgu sunuldu. Fizik muayenesinde karında ağrısız kitle saptanan hastaya endoskopi ile trikobezoar tanısı kondu. Laparotomi ile hastanın midesi tamamen dolduran 1,5 kilo ağırlığında ve mide şeklini almış olan trikobezoar çıkarıldı. Yapılan psikiyatrik değerlendirmede hafif mental retardasyon ve obsesif kompulsif bozukluk saptandı. Psikiyatrik problemi olan genç kız çocukları karın ağrısı, kusma gibi gastrointestinal sistem semptomları ile başvurduğunda, trikobezoar olasılığı akılda tutulmalıdır.
Bezoar is a mass that cannot be digested and that is collected in the gastrointestinal system. Being the exact frequency still unknown; it is rare among children. Trichobezoar is especially encountered in young adolescent girls who have psychiatric/neurologic problems. In this report; a fifteen year old girl who has stomachache and vomiting is presented. A mass without pain on palpation was diagnosed as trichobezoar by performing an endoscopy. A mass which weighed 1.5 kilograms and which took the shape of the stomach was removed out of her stomach by laparatomy. On her psychiatric examination; she was diagnosed with mild mental retardation and obsessive compulsive disorder. Trichobezoar should be considered when adolescent girls with psychiatric problems come with gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomachache and vomiting.
Bezoar is a mass that cannot be digested and that is collected in the gastrointestinal system. Being the exact frequency still unknown; it is rare among children. Trichobezoar is especially encountered in young adolescent girls who have psychiatric/neurologic problems. In this report; a fifteen year old girl who has stomachache and vomiting is presented. A mass without pain on palpation was diagnosed as trichobezoar by performing an endoscopy. A mass which weighed 1.5 kilograms and which took the shape of the stomach was removed out of her stomach by laparatomy. On her psychiatric examination; she was diagnosed with mild mental retardation and obsessive compulsive disorder. Trichobezoar should be considered when adolescent girls with psychiatric problems come with gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomachache and vomiting.
Trikobezoar, Bezoar, Karında kitle, Çocuk, Trichobezoar, Abdominal mass, Child
Comba, A. vd. (2014). "Karında kitlenin nadir bir nedeni: Trikobezoar". Güncel Pediatri, 12(1), 51-53.