Ortadoğu politikaları bağlamında devrim sonrası İran dış politikasının temel bileşenleri ve dinamikleri
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İran 1979 yılında Ayetullah Ruhullah Humeyni’nin liderliğinde gerçekleşen İslam Devrimi’nin ardından, Devrim’in ilkelerini İslam coğrafyasına yaymayı ve Şii nüfus bulunan ülkeler üzerinde etki alanını genişletmeyi amaçlamıştır. Devrim’den önce Batı dünyası ile iyi ilişkiler içerisinde olan Şah rejiminin aksine, 1979 yılından itibaren, ezilen Müslüman halkları korumak ve hem Doğu’dan hem de Batı’dan uzaklaşılarak “yalnız İslam” ilkesinden hareketle dış politikada bağımsızlık öncelenmiştir. Bu makalede, İran’da Devrim’in ardından değişime uğrayan dış politika parametreleri dikkate alınarak, İran’ın dini rehberleri ve Cumhurbaşkanları düzeyindeki dış politika tercihleri temel noktalarıyla incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda Devrim’in hemen ardından başlayan İran-Irak Savaşı, İran’ın mezhep politikaları, stratejik çıkarları, komşularıyla ilişkileri ve Arap Baharı süreci gibi kırılma noktaları üzerinde durulmuştur. İran’ın askeri caydırıcılık kapsamında konvansiyonel gücünü geliştirmesinin yanı sıra, 1979’dan itibaren Devrim Muhafızları’nın kontrolünde Şii milislerin örgütlenmesi suretiyle oluşturduğu, bölgesel vekil unsurları kullanmak üzerine kurduğu stratejisine değinilmiştir. İran’ın Ortadoğu’nun etkili ülkelerinden biri olmasında geçmişten bugüne müşterek hedefleri doğrultusunda müttefiklik ilişkisi kurduğu Rusya’nın katkılarına yer verilmiştir.
After the Islamic Revolution, which took place in 1979 under the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhullah Khomeini, Iran aimed to spread the principles of the Revolution to the Islamic geography and to expand its sphere of influence on countries with Shiite populations. Contrary to the Shah’s regime, which had good relations with the Western world before the Revolution, independence was prioritized in foreign policy, starting from 1979, to protect the oppressed Muslim peoples and to move away from both the East and the West, based on the principle of "Islam alone". In this article, considering the foreign policy parameters that changed after the Revolution in Iran, foreign policy preferences at the level of religious leaders and Presidents were examined with their main points. In this context, the breaking points such as the Iran Iraq War which started right after the Revolution, Iran’s sectarian policies, strategic interests, relations with neighbors and Arab Spring process are emphasized. Besides to the development of Iran's conventional power within the scope of military deterrence, Iran’s strategy which is based on the use of regional proxies formed by the organization of Shiite militias under the control of the Revolutionary Guards since 1979, has been mentioned. It is included that the contributions of Russia which Iran has established alliances in line with their common goals from past to present in Iran’s becoming one of the influential countries of the Middle East.
After the Islamic Revolution, which took place in 1979 under the leadership of Ayatollah Ruhullah Khomeini, Iran aimed to spread the principles of the Revolution to the Islamic geography and to expand its sphere of influence on countries with Shiite populations. Contrary to the Shah’s regime, which had good relations with the Western world before the Revolution, independence was prioritized in foreign policy, starting from 1979, to protect the oppressed Muslim peoples and to move away from both the East and the West, based on the principle of "Islam alone". In this article, considering the foreign policy parameters that changed after the Revolution in Iran, foreign policy preferences at the level of religious leaders and Presidents were examined with their main points. In this context, the breaking points such as the Iran Iraq War which started right after the Revolution, Iran’s sectarian policies, strategic interests, relations with neighbors and Arab Spring process are emphasized. Besides to the development of Iran's conventional power within the scope of military deterrence, Iran’s strategy which is based on the use of regional proxies formed by the organization of Shiite militias under the control of the Revolutionary Guards since 1979, has been mentioned. It is included that the contributions of Russia which Iran has established alliances in line with their common goals from past to present in Iran’s becoming one of the influential countries of the Middle East.
Devrim, Dış politika, Arap baharı, Şii, Vekil, Revolution, Foreign policy, Arab spring, Shia, Proxy
İşyar, Ö. G. ve Kaderli, D. T. (2021). ''Ortadoğu politikaları bağlamında devrim sonrası İran dış politikasının temel bileşenleri ve dinamikleri''. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(1), 63-94.