Alkaline polyester dyeing and reductive clearing: Effectiveness and environmental impact

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Amer Assoc Textile Chemists Colorists - AATCC


An experimental comparison of polyester alkaline dyeing and five different aftertreatment methods, including oxidative clearing after conventional acid dyeing and disperse dyeing in acidic bath with hydrosulfite reductive clear, has been made. The other aftertreatment methods were reductive clear by TUDO, reductive clear in the dyebath by an alkylpolyglycol ether/organic reducing agent mixture, and hot rinsing. Results indicated that alkaline dyeing was successful, resulting in lower surface-fabric trimer content, if proper dye selection was made and if the oxidative clearing aftertreatment method met fastness and environmental goals.



Alkaline dyeing, Polyester reductive clearing, Environmental issues, Oxidative clearing, Chemistry, Materials science, Engineering, Acidization, Agents, Cleaning, Dyeing, Environmental impact, Acid dye, Alkali treatment, Dye bath, Polyester, Reducing agent, Reductive clearing, Oxidative clearing


Eren, H. A. ve Aniş, P. (2005). "Alkaline polyester dyeing and reductive clearing: Effectiveness and environmental impact". AATCC Review, 5(2), 21-25.