Annüler pankreas
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Annüler pankreas oldukça nadir görülen bir konjenital malformasyon olup erişkin bir kimsede nadiren semptomlara sebep olur. Annüler pankreasın semptomları annulus hizasında duodenumun tıkanmasından veya kronik pankreatitten ve peptik ülserden kaynaklanabilir. Tedavisi cerrahi olup by-pass ameliyatları tercih edilir.
Annular pancreas, being a rarely encountered congenital malformation occasionally causes symptoms in adults. The symptoms of annular pancreas are caused by duodenal obstruction at the level of annulus or by chronic pancreatitis and peptic ulcer. It is treated surgically and by-pass operations are procedure of choice.
Annular pancreas, being a rarely encountered congenital malformation occasionally causes symptoms in adults. The symptoms of annular pancreas are caused by duodenal obstruction at the level of annulus or by chronic pancreatitis and peptic ulcer. It is treated surgically and by-pass operations are procedure of choice.
Annüler pankreas, Annular pancreas
Tavlı, Ş. vd. (1983). ''Annüler pankreas''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 349-353.