George Enescu’nun müziğinde Rumen halk müziğinin etkisi: OP. 25 keman ve piyano sonatı
Özkan, Çağdaş
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hayatı boyunca kemancılığıyla bilinen Rumen besteci George Enescu, 20. yüzyılın en önemli bestecilerinden birisi olmasına rağmen bu alandaki değeri yaşadığı süre boyunca çok fazla anlaşılmamıştır. Enescu’nun bestelediği eserler giderek daha çok rağbet görmekte, ancak Türkiye’de eserleri konser programlarında çok sık yer almamakta ve besteci hakkında akademik bir çalışma da bulunmamaktadır. Enescu, kemancılığının ve besteciliğinin yanı sıra şeflik ve eğitimcilik de yapmıştır. Birçok bestesinde Rumen halk müziği ögelerinden faydalanmış ve Romanya’daki müzik kurumlarının ve klasik müziğin gelişiminde önemli rol oynamıştır. “Rumen halk karakterinde” başlıklı Op. 25 Keman ve Piyano Sonatı’nın incelendiği bu çalışmada bestecinin hayatı ve müzik kariyerinden bahsedilmiş, bu eser özelinde Rumen halk müziğinin hangi ögelerinden faydalandığı tespit edilmiş ve bu bağlamda Rumen halk müziğinin belli başlı özellikleri işlenmiştir. Türkiye’de Enescu ile ilgili akademik bir çalışmaya rastlanmadığından bu çalışmanın, Enescu’nun müziği ve Op. 25 Keman ve Piyano Sonatı’nın seslendirilmesine yönelik çalışılmalara yol gösterici bir kaynak olarak kullanılması hedeflenmektedir.
Enescu was a prominent composer of the 20th century. However, his career as a composer was overshadowed by his violin career, therefore, during his life time he was mostly a well-known violinist. Although recently his compositions have started to gain more popularity, Enescu -as a composer- has still not drawn significant attention in concert programs and academic fields, especially in Turkey. Along with his violin and composition career, Enescu has also built his career as a conductor and an instructor. He was influenced by Romanian folk music in a number of his compositions and has played a significant role in the development of Romanian musical institutions and classical music in Europe. In the first chapter of this study Enescu’s life and music career and in the second chapter certain aspects of Rumanian folk music was discussed. In the third chapter, Enescu’s Op. 25 Sonata for Violin and Piano titled “in the Romanian folk character” was examined thoroughly by means of Romanian folk character influences in the piece. Due to the fact that there is no academic research on Enescu in Turkey, this study aims to provide a source and insight in execution and performance of Enescu’s music and Op. 25 Sonata for Violin and Piano.
Enescu was a prominent composer of the 20th century. However, his career as a composer was overshadowed by his violin career, therefore, during his life time he was mostly a well-known violinist. Although recently his compositions have started to gain more popularity, Enescu -as a composer- has still not drawn significant attention in concert programs and academic fields, especially in Turkey. Along with his violin and composition career, Enescu has also built his career as a conductor and an instructor. He was influenced by Romanian folk music in a number of his compositions and has played a significant role in the development of Romanian musical institutions and classical music in Europe. In the first chapter of this study Enescu’s life and music career and in the second chapter certain aspects of Rumanian folk music was discussed. In the third chapter, Enescu’s Op. 25 Sonata for Violin and Piano titled “in the Romanian folk character” was examined thoroughly by means of Romanian folk character influences in the piece. Due to the fact that there is no academic research on Enescu in Turkey, this study aims to provide a source and insight in execution and performance of Enescu’s music and Op. 25 Sonata for Violin and Piano.
G. Enescu, Op. 25 keman-piyano sonatı, Müzikal stil, Rumen halk müziği, Op. 25 violin-piano sonata, Musical style, Rumanian folk music
Özkan, Ç. (2022). George Enescu’nun müziğinde Rumen halk müziğinin etkisi: OP. 25 keman ve piyano sonatı. Yayınlanmamış sanatta yeterlilik tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.