Doğal antioksidan bileşikler: Nar yan ürünlerinin antioksidan olarak değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar, birçok hastalığın oluşumunda ve yaşlanmada etkili olan serbest radikallere karşı koruyucu ve geciktirici etkiye sahip antioksidanlar üzerinde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Bitkisel ve hayvansal dokularda bulunan doğal antioksidanlar, gıdalarla birlikte vücuda alınarak savunma sistemini güçlendirmektedir. Bu doğal bileşenlerin, toksisite nedeniyle uygulamaları giderek kısıtlanan sentetik antioksidanlar yerine katkı maddesi olarak gıda ve diğer endüstriyel sektörlerde uygulamaları üzerinde çalışmalar artmaktadır. Tarımsal hammaddelerin endüstriyel olarak işlenmesi sırasında önemli miktarda atık ve yan ürünler oluşmaktadır. Bunlar arasında nar yan ürünleri (nar çekirdeği, kabuğu, çiçeği vs) yüksek fenolik içeriğine bağlı olarak yüksek biyoaktif bileşen miktarları ile ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu makalede öncelikle antioksidan bileşikler ile mekanizmaları özetlenmiş ve nar yan ürünlerinin antioksidatif ve antikarsinojen gibi terapötik etkileri incelenmiştir.
In recent years, the focus has been on antioxidants that have preventive and retarding effects on free radicals that play important roles in aging process and result in many diseases. Natural antioxidants, present in plant and animal tissues, are taken with daily diet to enhance the immune function. Obtaining these compounds are becoming important instead of restricted synthetical antioxidants. Therefore, the interest has been increased in detection and applicability of novel antioxidants obtained from natural sources in foods or other industries as additive instead of synthetic antioxidants, which are being restricted due to their toxicity. During industrial food processes significant amount of renewable or nonrenewable wastes and by-products are generated, which represent a major disposal problem aside with loss of bioactive compounds. Among these wastes, pomegranate by-products (seeds, peels, flowers, etc) could offer practical and economical sources with therapeutic potential, due to high content of bioactive compounds. This article summarizes antioxidative compounds and their mechanisms, aside with therapeutic properties of pomegranate byproducts in terms of antioxidative and anticarcinogenic effects.
In recent years, the focus has been on antioxidants that have preventive and retarding effects on free radicals that play important roles in aging process and result in many diseases. Natural antioxidants, present in plant and animal tissues, are taken with daily diet to enhance the immune function. Obtaining these compounds are becoming important instead of restricted synthetical antioxidants. Therefore, the interest has been increased in detection and applicability of novel antioxidants obtained from natural sources in foods or other industries as additive instead of synthetic antioxidants, which are being restricted due to their toxicity. During industrial food processes significant amount of renewable or nonrenewable wastes and by-products are generated, which represent a major disposal problem aside with loss of bioactive compounds. Among these wastes, pomegranate by-products (seeds, peels, flowers, etc) could offer practical and economical sources with therapeutic potential, due to high content of bioactive compounds. This article summarizes antioxidative compounds and their mechanisms, aside with therapeutic properties of pomegranate byproducts in terms of antioxidative and anticarcinogenic effects.
Nar, Antioksidan aktivite, Fenolik bileşenler, Nar yan ürünleri, Pomegranate, Antioxidant activity, Phenolic compounds, Pomegranate by-products
Okumuş, G. vd. (2015). "Doğal antioksidan bileşikler: Nar yan ürünlerinin antioksidan olarak değerlendirilmesi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 203-214.