Environmental protection-based village development: The case of Eskikaraagac

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The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of the Stork-Friendly Villages Project and other environmental protection projects in Bursa-Karacabey-Eskikaraagac on village development and the local people. In general, the respondents regarded these projects favorably. The projects positively influenced attitudes toward environmental conservation, and the higher the educational level the greater the reception to conservation (p < 0.01). Respondents who thought that these projects positively affected tourism potential were likely to be males (p < 0.01). Education was significant (p < 0.01) in explaining the relationship between demographic variables and peasant consciousness (respondents who believed that the project positively affected peasant consciousness were likely to be educated at the primary grade level or to be illiterate). The positive attitudes of the respondents affirmed that the success of such projects depends on certain issues. However, local people should be supported and encouraged to pursue tourism, agriculture, and local economic activities to achieve their goals. People in the villages should be supported with financial instruments, such as low interest rates and long-term pay back loans.



Environmental conservation, Village development, Participation, Uluabat Lake, Conservation, Area, Nepal, Attitudes, Environmental sciences & ecology, Eurasia, Turkey, Uluabat lake, Bursa [Turkey], Education, Environmental protection, Financial provision, Local participation, Nature conservation, Rural development, Village


Yaşlıoğlu, E. vd. (2007). "Environmental protection-based village development: The case of Eskikaraagac". Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16(8), 940-947.
