İbn Haldun’un döneminde epistemik mantık
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İbn Haldun, meşhur Mukaddime’nin yazarı, önemli bir İslam âlimi, sosyolojinin kurucusu olan bir düşünürdür. İbn Haldun’un pek çok alana oldukça önemli katkılar sunduğu tartışılmaz bir gerçektir. Mukaddime, İbn Haldun’un 7 ciltlik dünya tarihi olan Kitabü’l-İber’in giriş kısmını oluşturur. İbn Haldun, söz konusu eseriyle, insanlık tarihine, bilime, felsefeye ve zamanının Kuzey Afrika ve Endülüs İslam Kültürü ve Siyaseti tarihine ilişkin ansiklopedik bir bakışı armağan eder. Mukaddime, böylesi devasa bir projenin eskizinin çizildiği kısımdır ve bu kısım sonraları müstakil bir eser olarak yayımlanmaya başlar ve günümüzde de bu durum hala geçerlidir. İbn Haldun, Mukaddime’de bilgi ve mantık gibi konuları da ele alır ki bu çalışmanın amacı da Mukaddime’de mantıkla ve özellikle de epistemik mantıkla ilgili olarak hangi görüşlerin yer aldığını belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada, aynı zamanda, İbn Haldun’un epistemik mantıkla ilişkilendirilebilecek düşüncelerine dikkati çekmek ve yine epistemik mantıkla ilgili olarak İbn Haldun’un içerisinde yaşadığı dönem olan Orta Çağ’da hem İslam Dünyası’nda, hem de Batı’da öne sürülen görüşleri göstermeye çalışmak amaçlanmaktadır. Epistemik mantık, bilgi, inanç ve bunlarla ilgili başka kavramlara mantıksal olarak yaklaşan bir epistemoloji alt dalıdır ve ilk kez Jaakko Hintikka tarafından şekillendirilmiş olsa da, kökleri oldukça eskilere dayanmaktadır. İşte, bu çalışmada epistemik mantığın İbn Haldun’un Mukaddimesi’ndeki ve Orta Çağ’daki izlerini sürmeye çalışacağız.
Ibn Khaldun was the author of the famous The Muqaddimah, an important Islamic scholar, a thinker who was the founder of sociology. It is an indisputable fact that Ibn Khaldun made significant contributions to many fields. The Muqaddimah constitutes the introduction to Ibn Khaldun's 7-volume world history Kitab al-Iberi. With this work, Ibn Khaldun presents an encyclopedic perspective on human history, science, philosophy and the history of North Africa and Andalusian Islamic Culture and Politics of his time. The Muqaddimah is the sketch of such a huge project, and this part later started to be published as a separate work, and this is still the case today. Ibn Khaldun also deals with issues such as knowledge and logic in The Muqaddimah, and the purpose of this study is to determine which views are contained in The Muqaddimah regarding logic and especially epistemic logic. In this study, at the same time, to draw attention to the thoughts of Ibn Khaldun that can be associated with epistemic logic and to try to show the views put forward in the Middle Ages, both in the Islamic world and in the West, in relation to epistemic logic. is aimed. Epistemic logic is a sub-branch of epistemology that logically approaches knowledge, beliefs, and other related concepts, and although it was first formed by Jaakko Hintikka, it has very old roots. Here, in this work, we will try to trace the traces of epistemic logic in Ibn Khaldun's The Muqaddimah and the Middle Ages.
Ibn Khaldun was the author of the famous The Muqaddimah, an important Islamic scholar, a thinker who was the founder of sociology. It is an indisputable fact that Ibn Khaldun made significant contributions to many fields. The Muqaddimah constitutes the introduction to Ibn Khaldun's 7-volume world history Kitab al-Iberi. With this work, Ibn Khaldun presents an encyclopedic perspective on human history, science, philosophy and the history of North Africa and Andalusian Islamic Culture and Politics of his time. The Muqaddimah is the sketch of such a huge project, and this part later started to be published as a separate work, and this is still the case today. Ibn Khaldun also deals with issues such as knowledge and logic in The Muqaddimah, and the purpose of this study is to determine which views are contained in The Muqaddimah regarding logic and especially epistemic logic. In this study, at the same time, to draw attention to the thoughts of Ibn Khaldun that can be associated with epistemic logic and to try to show the views put forward in the Middle Ages, both in the Islamic world and in the West, in relation to epistemic logic. is aimed. Epistemic logic is a sub-branch of epistemology that logically approaches knowledge, beliefs, and other related concepts, and although it was first formed by Jaakko Hintikka, it has very old roots. Here, in this work, we will try to trace the traces of epistemic logic in Ibn Khaldun's The Muqaddimah and the Middle Ages.
İbn Haldun, Epistemik mantık, Jaakko hintikka, Bradwardine, İbn Sina, Ibn Khaldun, Epistemic logic, Bradwardine, Avicenna
Yıldırım, M. (2021). ''İbn Haldun’un döneminde epistemik mantık''. Kaygı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 20(2), 502-536.