Diyet lifin özellikleri ve sağlık üzerindeki etkileri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Diyet lifi, sindirim enzimlerine dirençli gıda bileşenlerinden biri olup, başlıca tahıl, meyve ve sebzelerde bulunmaktadır. İnsan ince bağırsağında sindirilmeyen buna karşın kalın bağırsakta tamamen ya da kısmen fermente olan diyet lif suda çözünen ve suda çözünmeyen olmak üzere iki grup altında incelenmektedir. Diyet lif son yıllarda giderek önemi artan, düşük enerji değerine sahip diyet ürünlerin temel bileşenini oluşturmaktadır. Fonksiyonel ve teknolojik özellikleri nedeniyle sıklıkla gıda formülasyonlarında kullanılan diyet lifin sağlık üzerine de çok sayıda olumlu etkisi bulunmaktadır. Diyet lif bileşenlerinin, kalın bağırsak fonksiyonlarını düzenlediği, glukoz ve lipid metabolizması ile mineral absorbsiyonu üzerinde fizyolojik etkileri olduğu belirtilmektedir. Günümüzde divertiküloz, kabızlık, hemoroit, kolon kanseri, şişmanlık, diyabet ve kalp damar hastalıklarına karşı diyet liflerin koruyucu etkisi kesin olarak bilinmektedir.
Dietary fibre is a group of food components which is resistant to digestive enzymes and found mainly in cereals, fruits and vegetables. Dietary fiber which indigestible in human small intestinal, on the other hand digested completely or partially fermented in the large intestine, is examined in two groups that water-soluble and water insoluble organic compounds. Dietary fibres compose the major component of products with low energy value that have an increasing importance in recent years. Dietary fibres also have technological and functional properties that can be used in the formulation of foods as well as numerously beneficial effects on human health. Dietary fibre components organize functions of large intestine and has important physiological effects on glucose, lipid metabolizm and mineral bioavailability. Today, dietary fibers are known to be protective effect against diverticulosis, constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Dietary fibre is a group of food components which is resistant to digestive enzymes and found mainly in cereals, fruits and vegetables. Dietary fiber which indigestible in human small intestinal, on the other hand digested completely or partially fermented in the large intestine, is examined in two groups that water-soluble and water insoluble organic compounds. Dietary fibres compose the major component of products with low energy value that have an increasing importance in recent years. Dietary fibres also have technological and functional properties that can be used in the formulation of foods as well as numerously beneficial effects on human health. Dietary fibre components organize functions of large intestine and has important physiological effects on glucose, lipid metabolizm and mineral bioavailability. Today, dietary fibers are known to be protective effect against diverticulosis, constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Diyet lif, Sağlık, Kimyasal yapı, Fonksiyonel özellik, Dietary fibre, Health, Chemical structure, Functional properties
Dülger, D. ve Şahan, Y. (2011). "Diyet lifin özellikleri ve sağlık üzerindeki etkileri". Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(2), 147-157.