Subaraknoid kanamalar
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Bursa Üniversitesi
Yaklaşık beş yıllık süre içerisinde Bursa Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Kliniğine yatırılan 370 serebrovasküler aksedan lı hastadan 84'ün subaraknoid kanama tespit edilmiştir (% 22). Vak'a rın 40'ı kadın (% 4 7, 6), 44 'ü erkek idi (% 52.4). yaş ortalaması 56 bulundu. Hastaların % 82 '- sinde meninks irritasyon belirtileri, şiddetli baş ağrısı, kanlı veya ksantokromik likor birlikte görüldü. Hastaların % 76 'sın da kan basıncı yüksek bulundu. Vak 'aların %45 'i koma, % 1 7.8 'i stupor ve % 9.5'u konfüzyon içinde getirildi. EKG de % 34,5 oranında çeşitli patolojiler tespit edildi Vakaların % 76 'sında hemipleji ve hemiparezi mevcuttu. EEG incelemesi yapılabilen 36 vakanın % 86 'sında anormalite bulundu. Hastaların % 45'i, 1-152 günler arasında vefat etti.
During a period of five years subaraoidlı.e rrhagc has been determined in 84 of the 370 patients with cerebro-vasculer diseases in the Neurology Department of Bursa Medical Faculty. 40 of the cases (47.6 %) were female, 44 (52.4 %) were male.The mean age was 56 years In 82 % of the patients the signs of meningeal irritation, violent headache were present together with blood-stained of xanthochromic cerebro-spinal fluid. In 76 % of the patients the arterial blood pressure was high . Of the cases 45 % were in coma, 17.8 % were in stupor and 9.5 % were in severe confusion on the day of admission . In ECG, various pathologies were found with a rate of 34.5 %. In 76 % of the cases hemiplegia or hemiparesis were present. Abnormality was found in 86 % of the 36 cases in the EEG was applied. The 45 % of the patients died between the 18t and 152nd days.
During a period of five years subaraoidlı.e rrhagc has been determined in 84 of the 370 patients with cerebro-vasculer diseases in the Neurology Department of Bursa Medical Faculty. 40 of the cases (47.6 %) were female, 44 (52.4 %) were male.The mean age was 56 years In 82 % of the patients the signs of meningeal irritation, violent headache were present together with blood-stained of xanthochromic cerebro-spinal fluid. In 76 % of the patients the arterial blood pressure was high . Of the cases 45 % were in coma, 17.8 % were in stupor and 9.5 % were in severe confusion on the day of admission . In ECG, various pathologies were found with a rate of 34.5 %. In 76 % of the cases hemiplegia or hemiparesis were present. Abnormality was found in 86 % of the 36 cases in the EEG was applied. The 45 % of the patients died between the 18t and 152nd days.
23.11.1979 Tarihli Bursa Nörolojik Bilimler Der. Bil. Topl. Tebliği. 6.11 Ekim 1980 Tarihli Antalya XVI. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongre Tebliği.
Subaraknoid kanamalar, Nöroloji kliniği, Baş ağrısı, Kan basıncı, Patoloji
Balkır, N. ve Yağız, O. (1980). ''Subaraknoid kanamalar''. Bursa Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(1-2), 9-14.