Atatürk ve Türk gençliği

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Türkmen, Zekeriya

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Gençlik, tanımlaması güç bir kavramdır. Gençlik; bedensel, zihinsel, ruhsal ve toplumsal anlamda bir gelişme, ergenleşme, olgunlaşma çağıdır. Millet hayatında gençliğin durumuna bakılacak olursa, gençlik dün ile bugün arasında köprü kurarak, istikbalde millet ve devletin geleceğini elinde bulunduracak olan kesimdir. Gençlik, ülkelerin aynı zamanda rejimlerinin ve geleceklerinin de teminat unsurunu oluşturur. Milletlerin yarınları, gençlerin müspet rolleriyle aydınlanır ve olumsuz tesirleriyle kararır, parlar yahut söner. ATATÜRK, Türk gençliğine büyük değer veren, gençliğin çağın en son eğitim teknik ve bilgileriyle donatılması gerçeğini ön planda tutan bir önderdir. Kurtuluş Savaşının başlangıç döneminden itibaren, Türk Gençliğine duyduğu güveni her zaman tekrarlamış; Türk Milletinin kaderini teslim alacak gençlerin yetiştirilmesinde özellikle öğretmenlere büyük görevler düştüğünü söylev ve demeçlerinde ifade etmiştir. ATATÜRK’ün fikir ve düşünceleri ışığında, akıl ve bilimi esas alarak çağın en gelişmiş teknik ve bilgileriyle donanarak eğitimini tamamlayan Türk gençliğinin omuzlarında, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti sonsuza kadar yaşayacaktır.
Youth is a concept which is hard to define. It is growing up of body, is psychological and social progress and is adolescence and maturity era. When the situation of youth is considered in the life, the youth is the part having the future of a nation and a state in its hand by establishing the bridge between past and present. At the same time, the youth also constitutes the security for the system and the future of governments. The future is lightened with the positive roles of youths or is faded with their negative effects, shines or gets dark. ATATURK is a leader who is fully aware of the Turkish Youth and gives importance to the truth that youths should be equipped with the latest education technics and informations of their ages. Since the beginning of the War of Independence, he has ever stated his trust to the Turkish Youth; he has expressed in his speeches and declarations that the teachers had important functions in education and training of youths who would hand over the destiny of the Turkish Nation. The Republic of Turkey will exist forever by the Turkish Youth who is in the way of ATATURK and completes its education by equipping with the latest technics and informations of its age.Youth is a concept which is hard to define. It is growing up of body, is psychological and social progress and is adolescence and maturity era. When the situation of youth is considered in the life, the youth is the part having the future of a nation and a state in its hand by establishing the bridge between past and present. At the same time, the youth also constitutes the security for the system and the future of governments. The future is lightened with the positive roles of youths or is faded with their negative effects, shines or gets dark. ATATURK is a leader who is fully aware of the Turkish Youth and gives importance to the truth that youths should be equipped with the latest education technics and informations of their ages. Since the beginning of the War of Independence, he has ever stated his trust to the Turkish Youth; he has expressed in his speeches and declarations that the teachers had important functions in education and training of youths who would hand over the destiny of the Turkish Nation. The Republic of Turkey will exist forever by the Turkish Youth who is in the way of ATATURK and completes its education by equipping with the latest technics and informations of its age.



Atatürk, Türk gençliği, Atatürk ve gençlik, Kurtuluş savaşı, Milli eğitim, Turkish youth, Atatürk and the youth, The war of independence


Türkmen, Z. (2003). ''Atatürk ve Türk gençliği''. Atatürkçü Bakış, 2(3), 81-91.





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