Güney Marmara Bölgesi akut miyeloid löseminin epidemiyolojik özellikleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Hematoloji Bilim Dalında 1994-1999 yılları arasında takip ve tedavi edilen de novo akut miyeloid (AML) lösemi olguları cinsiyet, yaş, morfolojik alt grup, meslek, yaşanılan bölge özelliklerine göre retrospektif olarak incelendi. Toplam 165 akut miyeloid lösemi olgusundan erkeklerin %59,4 (98 olgu), kadınların %40,6 (67 olgu) oranını oluşturduğu, en küçük yaşın 14, en büyük yaşın 89 ve ortalama yaşın 46 olduğu saptandı. Erkek/kadın oranı 1.4/1 olarak belirlendi. En fazla olgunun (%32,7) 46-60 yaş döneminde olduğu tesbit edildi Erkek ve kadın olgularının aynı yaş grupları içersinde farklılık göstermeden dağılımı belirlendi. Alt grupların dağılımında M0: %5,5, M1: %12,1, M2: %27,9, M3: %15,7, M4: %21,8, M5: %9,7, M6: %3,6, M7: %3,6 oranında saptandı. Erkek ve kadınlar arasında alt grup dağılımı yönünden fark gözlenmedi. Olguların %69,1'nin şehir ortamında ve %30,9'nun kırsal kesim ortamında yaşadıkları belirlendi. Çiftçilerin %13,3, işçilerin %15,8, esnafların %13,3, masa başı görev yapan memurların %8,5, emekli memurların %10,9, sağlık mensublarının %2,4, öğrencilerin %3 ve ev hanımlarının %32,7 oranını oluşturdukları saptandı.
De novo acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) cases that were followed up and treated between the years 1994-1999 in Hematology Division of Medical Faculty of Uludağ University were assessed retrospectively according to parameters concerning age, sex, morphologic subgroup, occupation and region. It was established that of 165 de novo acute myelogenous leukemia cases 59.4% were male (98 cases), 40.6% female (67 cases), mean age was 46, the lowest age 14, the highest age 89. The male/female ratio was 1.4. The ages of most of the cases (32.7 %) were between 46-60 years. Male and female cases showed similar age distribution. Subgroup distribution was as follows: 5.5% of cases were M0, 12.1% M1, 27.9% M2, 15.7% M3, 21.8% M4, 9.7% M5, 3.6% M6 and 3.6% M7. Subgroup distribution was similar for male and female cases. 69.1 percent of cases were living in the cities and 30.9% in the rural area. It was found that the rate of farmers was 13.3%, workers 15.8%, traders 13.3%, civil servants 8.5%, retarded civil servants 10.9%, health care servants 2.4%, students 3% and housewives 32.7%.
De novo acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) cases that were followed up and treated between the years 1994-1999 in Hematology Division of Medical Faculty of Uludağ University were assessed retrospectively according to parameters concerning age, sex, morphologic subgroup, occupation and region. It was established that of 165 de novo acute myelogenous leukemia cases 59.4% were male (98 cases), 40.6% female (67 cases), mean age was 46, the lowest age 14, the highest age 89. The male/female ratio was 1.4. The ages of most of the cases (32.7 %) were between 46-60 years. Male and female cases showed similar age distribution. Subgroup distribution was as follows: 5.5% of cases were M0, 12.1% M1, 27.9% M2, 15.7% M3, 21.8% M4, 9.7% M5, 3.6% M6 and 3.6% M7. Subgroup distribution was similar for male and female cases. 69.1 percent of cases were living in the cities and 30.9% in the rural area. It was found that the rate of farmers was 13.3%, workers 15.8%, traders 13.3%, civil servants 8.5%, retarded civil servants 10.9%, health care servants 2.4%, students 3% and housewives 32.7%.
Akut miyeloid lösemi, Acute myelogenous leukemia, Epidemiyoloji, Epidemiology
Ali, R. vd. (2002). "Güney Marmara Bölgesi akut miyeloid löseminin epidemiyolojik özellikleri“antijen retrieval” yönteminin kullanımı" Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(2),33-37.