2010 Cilt 4 Sayı 11

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11452/16909



Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Comparison of hydrolysis abilities onto soluble and commercial raw starches of ımmobilized and free b. amyloliquefaciens α-amylase
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2010) Dincbas, Serhan; Demirkan, Elif; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi/Biyoloji Bölümü.
    Immobilized Bacillus amyloliquefaciens α-amylase in calcium alginate beads was used for the effective hydrolysis by using various amounts of soluble potato and various commercial raw starches (potato, maize, wheat, rice), and compared with those of free enzyme. The highest activity was obtained in the presence of commercial raw potato of 4% w/v with immobilized amylase (9740 IU/ml). Immobilized enzyme showed better thermal stability than free enzyme at high temperature. TLC analysis of starches hydrolysis products after 1 h incubation showed the formation of glucose by free amylase and maltose by immobilized amylase
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    Endogenous soluble sugars, starch contents and phenolic compounds in easy - and difficult – to – root olive cuttings
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2010) Aslmoshtaghi, Elham; Shahsavar, Ali Reza
    This study was carried out to elucidate the relationship between the monthly changes of rooting ability and inner condition of cuttings, such as soluble sugars, starch contents and the total phenolic content in cuttings of olive, and to determine the great differences in the rooting potential of cultivars and clones within a species were shown in many cultivars of olives. Several factors, at biochemical and molecular levels, interact in the formation and development of adventitious roots. The formation of adventitious root is an essential process in propagation of olive tree. The ability of rooting is critical in several strongly recalcitrant olive cultivars. The availability and mobilization of carbohydrates towards the base of cuttings appear can be major factors related to rooting of olive cuttings. Although "Roghani" cuttings shows a maximum soluble sugars and starch contents at the beginning of the experiment. But a completely different situation was found 60 days later. Soluble sugars were higher in all of the cultivars in comparison with at the beginning of the experiment. There were significant differences between 3 cultivars in the total phenolic content and the highest phenolic compounds were found in "Konsrvalia" after 120 days and the lowest phenolic compounds were found in "Roghani" cultivar.
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    Effects of salicylic acid on quality and quantity of essential oil components in salvia macrosiphon
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2010) Rowshan, V.; Khoi, M. Khosh; Javidnia, K.
    The essential oil of Salvia macrosiphon Boiss use as a folk medicine. The effect of Exogenous application of salicylic acid (0 , 200 , 4oo mgL-1 ) in early flowering stage on components of essential oils of Salvia was evaluated. Its essential oil was analyzed by GC and GC/MS .The SA application increased Linalool from 20.02% ( 0 mgL-1) to 41.37% (400 mgL-1 ) , Hexyl isobutanat from 3.17%( 0 mgL-1) to 5.6% (400 mgL-1 ) and decrease δ -cadinen from 5.63% ( 0 mgL-1) to 3.86% (400 mgL-1 ) . Some compounds such as Franesol, δ –Amorphene, Caryophyllene oxide, Hexyl octanoate, Beta Eudesmol and α-Bisabolol only detected in control treatment. α – Pinene and 1,8-Cineol only detected in plants treated with SA.The yield of essential oil was 0.23% in ( 0 mgL-1) and 0.48% (400 mgL-1 ). The results suggest that SA application manipulated essential oil.
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    Interaction of paclobutrazol, boron and zinc on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of strawberry (Fragaria × Ananassa Duch. Cv. Selva)
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2010) Abdollahi, Mahnaz; Eshghi, Saeid; Tafazoli, Enayat
    Proper nutrient at the right time increases fruit quality, and yield of strawberry plants. An experiment was conducted with the aim of reducing vegetative growth and increasing yield and fruit quality of Selva strawberry cultivar using paclobutrazol (0, 100 mg lˉ¹), boric acid (0, 150, 300 mg lˉ¹) and zinc sulfate (0, 100, 200 mg lˉ¹). Rooted runners of strawberry grown in the greenhouse under hydroponic condition were used. The criteria measured were leaf number, leaf area, length and diameter of petiole, fresh and dry shoot root ratio, yield, total soluble solid, acidity and vitamin C. Results indicated that vegetative growth was reduced with PP333. Zinc (ZnSO4) had positive effect on criteria measured. However, combined PP333×B decreased total soluble solid in fruits. Highest vitamin C was obtained at concentration of (0-300 mg lˉ¹ PP333- B). Foliar application of ZnSO4 prior to flowering was recommend to increase fruit quality and yield of strawberry.
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    Economic value of an environmental management plan: Case of Uluabat Lake
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2010) Gürlük, Serkan; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü.
    Wetlands provide many important use and non-use services for humans. They have been threatened by the high population density and rapid economical development especially in developing world. There is a similar situation in Uluabat Wetland, which is an important Ramsar site of Turkey. It has been threatened by industrial activities, agricultural chemical use, excessive fishing-hunting and a dam project, which will be built on the main inflow to wetland. In this context, World Wildlife FundTurkey (WWF-Turkey) initiated a joint project to realize an "Integrated Management Plan" with all stakeholders for Uluabat Wetland. The aim of this plan was to ensure the integration between conservation and development around the wetland. In this study, Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) has been used to estimate a total economic value or benefit from such a management plan as an indicator for local authorities and all stakeholders. A sample of 126 residents was interviewed to elicit their maximum willingness to pay based on single-bounded dichotomous choice survey. The estimated values of that program are 4,848,000.00 and 8,100,000.00 USD/year based on the mean and median values respectively.
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    Chemical report of sediments, phytoplanktons and fishes of bindal river dehradun
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2010) Kumar, Ashkok; Bisht, Balwant Singh; Joshi, Vishnu Dutt
    Industrialization and urbanization is the major concern of metal pollution. The use of various types of pesticides and insecticides in agriculture cause water pollution. The pathogenic organisms of these wastes transmit to the water and pose serious problems. Analysis of water, sediments, phytoplanktons and fishes that the Bindal River is contaminated by certain heavy metals was done by ICP-MS method. Concentrations of all elements and ions increase in the downstream. Heavy metal concentration observed in water Mn > Zn > Mg >Cu > Ni > Cr > As > Pb > Co, in the sediments Mn > Cr > Ni >Cu > Co> Zn > Pb, in phytoplanktons Co > Zn > Pb > Mn > Cr and in fishes Cr > Mn > Cu > Ni > Co > Pb > Zn. Metal concentrations in the river indicate an increase in the pollution load due to movement of fertilizers, agricultural ashes, industrial effluents and anthropogenic wastes. An immediate attention from the concerned authorities is required in order to protect the river from further pollution. In general the heavy metal concentration in Bindal River was found maximum in sediments, phytoplanktons and fishes.