2012 Cilt 6 Sayı 18

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11452/16965



Now showing 1 - 12 of 12
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    Detection of rope-producing bacillus in bread and ıdentification of ısolates to species level by vitek 2 system
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012-09-24) Yibar, Artun; Cetinkaya, Figen; Soyutemiz, Gul Ece; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    This study was conducted to detect the presence of rope-producing Bacillus spp. and the rope spore counts in one hundred samples of different types of bread obtained from several bakeries and supermarket stores in Bursa province and to identify the isolates at the species level. Rope spore counts determined using the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique varied between 30 and 90 MPN/g in eight samples while this count was 11 000 MPN/g in one sample. By VITEK 2 bacterial identification system, eight of Bacillus strains isolated were identified as B. cereus and one as B. subtilis. Additionally, it was observed the growth of yeast and mould in the counts varying between 1x102 and 6.3x104 cfu/g in the samples. The results indicated that breads analysed harboured Bacillus species which can be responsible for rope spoilage of bread or food poisoning in humans
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    In vitro screening of almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.)) genotypes for drought tolerance
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012) Karimi, Soheil; Yadollahi, Abbas; Moghadam, Rahim Nazari; Imani, Ali; Arzani, Kazem
    Screening and identifying drought tolerant almond genotypes is required in order to improve and stabilize almond production under semi-arid and arid conditions. In this study, we evaluated responses of five high yield and late blooming almond genotypes to drought stress induced in vitro, and compared their drought tolerance to the drought tolerant peach×almond hybrid ‘GF677’. Explants established on the MS medium and subjected to three polyethylene glycol (PEG) osmotic stress for 40 days. Plant growth indices, leaves relative water content (RWC), membrane stability index (MSI), were significantly reduced under drought stress. On the other hand, proline concentration and number of lateral shoots were significantly increased under drought stress. Drought tolerant genotypes maintained higher levels of RWC, and MSI under drought stress. Growth of drought tolerant cultivars was more stable. Proline accumulation in the explants was found to be a general response of almond to drought stress. The results suggested that drought tolerant almond genotypes may be screened by in vitro experiments.
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    Evaluation of faecal shedding of acid-fast mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (map) in both intradermal johnin test- and serologically (Elisa) mappositive cattle
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012-11-22) Cihan, Hüseyin; Mecitoğlu, Zafer; Demir, Gülşah; Temizel, Ethem Mutlu; Şentürk, Sezgin; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    Paratuberculosis is a debilitating disease of livestock caused by Mycobacterium avium (MAP). As a result of economic impact caused, disease is now one of the most important problems of dairy industry. Detection of animals shedding MAP organism plays a crucial role in herd eradication of the disease. Aim of the presented study was to evaluate relationship between MAP ELISA results, Intradermal Johnin test and fecal MAP shedding ratio. 40 ELISA and Johnin test positive animals were selected for the study. 25 of 40 animals (62.5%) were shedding MAP organisms with their feces. Results of the present study indicate that combination ELISA and Johnin test results is a useful tool for prediction of animals shedding MAP.
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    Biosorption of Cu (Ii) and Ni (Ii) ions from aqueous solution by marine brown algae Sargassum angustifolium
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012-12-06) Asbchin, Salman Ahmady; Azhdehakoshpour, Ashkan
    This study focused on the batch removal of Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions from an aqueous solution and wastewater using marine brown algae Sargassum angustifolium. With high capacities of metal biosorption and desorption, the biomass of S. angustifolium is promising as a cost-effective biosorbent for the removal of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous solution. According to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS); the possible organic functional groups in the metal binding include carboxyl, amino, sulfhydryl and sulfonate groups. Langmuir, isotherm model were applied to describe the biosorption of the Cu2+ and Ni2+onto S. angustifolium biomass. The maximum uptake of Cu2+ and Ni2+ ions by the S. angustifolium biomass under the optimal conditions was approximately 0.94 and 0.78 mmol/g dry alga respectively. According to result biomass of S. angustifolium could be used as an effective biosorbent for the treatment of Cu2+ containing aqueous solution.
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    The effects of hypoxia and opioid receptor agonists treatment in cortical B50 neuronal cells in culture
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012-12-06) Ibegbu, Augustine Oseloka; Fyfe, Lorna; McBean, Douglas; Mullaney, Ian
    Hypoxia has been implicated in nerve cell deaths in many neurological disorders and opioid receptor agonists have some positive benefits on the nervous system. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of hypoxia and opioid receptor agonists’ treatment on the morphology of B50 cells cultured in hypoxia using neuronal pattern and pattern formation as a case study. The B50 cells were cultured in normal incubator (21%O2; 5% CO2) as the control group and hypoxic incubator (5%O2; 5% CO2) as the experimental group and three opioid receptor agonists namely DAMGO (µ), DSLET (δ) and ICI-199,441 (κ) were administered to the cells for 48 hours as treatment against hypoxia after 48 hours of culture at 10µM, 50µM and 100µM concentrations. Neuronal morphology and wellbeing was assessed using same field morphological assessment and lactate dehydrogenase leakage (LDH). The result showed groups of dead and degenerating B50 neuronal cells, altered neuronal pattern and pattern formation and some significant changes (P<0.05) in cellular levels of LDH leakage in normal, hypoxic cells and cells treated with different agonists. The changes in morphology, neuronal pattern and LDH release indicate that hypoxia induced morphological and cellular changes in B50 cells in hypoxia and opioid agonists have some potential benefits in the treatment of hypoxia-induced changes in B50 cells in culture.
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    No-Tillage impacts on soil hydraulic properties compared with conventional tillage
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012-10-11) Khaledian, Mohammadreza; Mailhol, Jean-Claude; Ruelle, Pierre
    Soil hydraulic properties are very important in precision irrigation, water and solute transport and irrigation scheduling. Tillage can change near surface soil hydraulic properties. In this study Beerkan method was used to better understand tillage and no-tillage impacts on transmission properties of topsoil. Beerkan is a simple in situ method using a single ring to measure infiltration rate. This method depends on an algorithm namely BEST to estimate soil hydraulic properties. This study was carried out at Cemagref experimental station in Montpellier in the South-eastern France. Three different infiltration measurement series were done in both no-tillage and conventional tillage treatments. The first infiltration measurement series was performed after harvest of durum wheat; the second one was performed after sowing of corn and finally the last one was performed after the harvest of corn. By using those three series as input data, BEST model estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), sorptivity, the mean characteristics of hydraulically functional pore size and capillary length. The results indicate that after harvest, hydraulic properties were not significantly different; however after sowing of corn, Ks was significantly higher in CT system (p<0.05). These conditions should be taken in account to perform irrigation, fertilization and agrochemical agent applications.
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    In vitro screening of almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.)) genotypes for drought tolerance
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012-12-06) Karimi, Soheil; Yadollahi, Abbas; Moghadam, Rahim Nazari; Imani, Ali; Arzani, Kazem
    Screening and identifying drought tolerant almond genotypes is required in order to improve and stabilize almond production under semi-arid and arid conditions. In this study, we evaluated responses of five high yield and late blooming almond genotypes to drought stress induced in vitro, and compared their drought tolerance to the drought tolerant peach×almond hybrid ‘GF677’. Explants established on the MS medium and subjected to three polyethylene glycol (PEG) osmotic stress for 40 days. Plant growth indices, leaves relative water content (RWC), membrane stability index (MSI), were significantly reduced under drought stress. On the other hand, proline concentration and number of lateral shoots were significantly increased under drought stress. Drought tolerant genotypes maintained higher levels of RWC, and MSI under drought stress. Growth of drought tolerant cultivars was more stable. Proline accumulation in the explants was found to be a general response of almond to drought stress. The results suggested that drought tolerant almond genotypes may be screened by in vitro experiments.
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    Improving conception rate in lactating dairy cows by using modified ovsynch protocol during summer
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012-01-24) Tasdemir, Umut; Alkan, Ali; Okut, Hayrettin; Mecitoglu, Gulnaz Yılmazbas; Gumen, Ahmet; Keskın, Abdulkadir; Karakaya, Ebru; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    The aim of this study was to test two different timed artificial insemination (AI) protocols in order to improve the percentage of pregnant cows per AI in lactating dairy cows during the summer. Cows (n=140) were randomly divided into two groups; cows in the OVS group (n=75) received the Ovsynch protocol (GnRH–7d–PGF2α–2d–GnRH–16h–AI), and cows in the MOVS group (n=65) received the Ovsynch protocol with exogenous progesterone (P4) which administrated between GnRH and PGF2α. In addition, GnRH was injected 7 d after AI in the MOVS group (GnRH–P4–7d –PGF2α–2d–GnRH–16h–AI–7d–GnRH). Response to the second GnRH treatment of Ovsynch (GnRH-2) was greater (P<0.03) in the MOVS (98.5%) than the OVS (89.3%) group. Although P/AI at 31 d was numerically greater in the MOVS (46.2%, 30/65) than the OVS (37.3%, 28/75) group, this difference was statistically insignificant. Thus, because of the greater response to GnRH-2 and P/AI in MOVS compared with the OVS group, the MOVS protocol can be used to improve P/AI in lactating dairy cows during the summer, but further studies are needed to be evaluated the effects of the MOVS protocol on P/AI during the summer.
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    Possibilities of inclusion of saccharomyces cerevisiae as replacement for fish meal or poultry meat by-product in broiler chicken diet
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012) Shahryar, Habib Aghdam; Ahmadzadeh, Alireza; Lotfi, Alireza
    The aim of this experimental work was to evaluation of efficiency of dietary inclusion of SCY as replacement for fish meal or poultry meat by – product in broiler diet. A completely randomized design with five treatments, each with three replication of twelve chicks each was conducted from 7-49 day of age to investigate the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast (SCY) as replacement with fish meal or poultry by – product protein on broiler performance. Treatments include: 1 control group 2 and 3: yeast in replace with 40 and 60 percent of fish meal protein 4and 5: yeast in replace with 40 and 60 percent of poultry by-product protein. Inclusion of SCY as fish meal replacement in two levels (treatment 2 or 3) didn’t have any negative effect on feed intake, weight gain or feed conversion ratio. Also dietary inclusion of SCY as replacement of poultry meat by-product (40% of poultry meat by-product proportion in diet) didn’t have any negative effect on performance. Only inclusion of 60% SCY as replacement for poultry meat by product had significant negative effect on performance includes feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (P<0.05).The results of this study indicated the use of SCY with 60 percent replacement of fish meal protein and poultry by-product protein can improve meat quality and broilers performance.
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    Bio-Monitoring of heavy metal resistance in pseudomonas and pseudomonas related genus
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012) Ceylan, Özgür; Uğur, Aysel
    The aim of present study was to determine the level of heavy metal resistance patterns and to determine if there is a relationship between heavy metal resistance and plasmid presence. From 28 identified strains, 39.3% corresponded to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, 17.9% to Chryseomonas luteola, 14.3% to Pseudomonas fluorescens, 10.7% to Pseudomonas putida, 7.1% to Sphingomonas paucimobilis, 7.1% to Methylobacterium mesophilicum and 3.6% Pseudomonas stutzeri. The resistance of these Gram negative bacteria to 8 heavy metals, was investigated by agar dilution method. Most isolates showed tolerance to different concentrations of heavy metals, and minimal inhibition concentrations ranged from 0,005 mmol-1 -20 mmol-1 . All strains displayed high resistance to zinc and lead (100% and 96,4% respectively) and high susceptibility to silver, cobalt and mercury (92.9%, 92.9% and 96.4% respectively). M. mesophilicum strains were determined as the most resistant strains to studied heavy metals. Isolated bacteria were tested for the presence of plasmids using the modified hot alkaline lysis method. The study also demonstrated that about 17.8% of isolated bacteria carried 0.89-21.59 kb sized plasmids and metal resistance profiles of bacteria carrying the same plasmids were similar. This study reveals the heavy metal resistance profiles of non-aeruginosa Pseudomonas species and other related species and the association between the occurrence of plasmids and the resistance to heavy metals.
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    Enzymatic hydrolyses of chrome shaving waste from tannery through Aspergillus tamerii
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012) Kumar, Paramasivam Senthil; Sounderraj, Lesley; Sivakumar, Kandaswamy; Rajakumar, Suseela
    The isolated fungi were optimized and used in the production of enzyme (alkaline Proteases) by the Solid state fermentation. The enzyme extracted from the fungi was used in the hydrolysis of leather protein present in the chrome shaving waste and the recovered chromium was recycled and used in the tanning process. To completely hydrolyze 1 gram of leather wastes 6 unites of the enzyme protease is required. In the optimization, the fungi maximum production shows at 72 hrs, the nitrogenous source are the milk extract and the optimum temperature to hydrolyse is 55ºC and the pH is 9.5.
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    Isolation and characterization of nickel and cadmium tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from rhizosphere of withania somnifera
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2012) Rathaur, Preeti; Ramteke, Pramod Wasudeo; Raja, Waseem; John, Suchit Ashish
    Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria PGPR are known to influence plant growth by various direct or indirect mechanisms. The present study aimed to isolate both nickel and cadmium tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacterial communities of Withania somnifera. The representative PGPR strains of Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Azotobacter were tested for plant growth promoting activities and heavy metal tolerance pattern. The test rhizobacterium P-35 both metal tolerant with multiple PGP activities like IAA, ammonia, HCN, catalase etc. was subjected to seed germination test. Present study showed that seed inoculation with test bacterium significantly enhanced seed germination, root and shoot growth.