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  • Publication
    Tarantula cubensis extract (Theranekron®) inhibits inflammation in carrageenan-induced acute paw edema in rats
    (Arquivo Brasileiro Medicina Veterinaria Zootecnia, 2022-01-01) İpek, Volkan; Özfırat, E. C.; ÖZFIRAT, NEVZAT; Topal, A.; Satar, N. Y. G.; GÜL SATAR, NİHAL YAŞAR; Pamukçular, O.; Uçkan, E. M.; Akkoç A.; AKKOÇ, AHMET; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi; 0000-0002-5090-7917; 0000-0001-5874-7797
    The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of alcoholic extract of Tarantula cubensis alcoholic extract (TCAE) in experimentally induced inflammation in rats. Fifty-four adult Sprague-Dawley male rats were randomly divided into nine groups. Paw edema was induced by 0.2mL subplantar (s.p.) injection of 1% carrageenan (CAR) into the right hind paw. Rats were treated with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) indomethacin (INDO) (10mg/kg, p.o.) or TCAE at different doses (1, 10 or 100 mu g/kg) injected s.c. for systemic or s.p. for local anti-inflammatory effect. Saline was used as control. Changes in paw thickness, volume, and weight were calculated as percentages. Formalin-fixed paws were used for histopathological examination. We detected that TCAE applied s.c. at 10 mu g/kg and 100 mu g/kg doses resulted in thinner paw thickness, lower paw volume, and lower paw weights four hours after the induction of inflammation when compared with the INDO group (p<0.05). The paw edema inhibitory effect of TCAE applied at a dose of 10 mu g/kg, s.c. was 68% when compared with the INDO which had an inhibitory effect of 56%. These results were verified with similar histopathological findings. The anti-inflammatory feature of 10 mu g/kg of TCAE given systematically was similar to the effects of INDO. Our results suggest that TCAE has anti-inflammatory effects by reducing edema and decreasing inflammatory reaction. These results may be attributed to the inhibition of the production of proinflammatory mediators. Thus, TCAE may be considered as a potential anti-inflammatory agent for treating acute inflammatory conditions.