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  • Publication
    First harvest of pediatric and congenital heart surgery multicenter database in Turkey: Novel application of real-time online reporting
    (Sage Publications, 2021-05-01) Erek, Ersin; Yalçınbaş, Yusuf Kenan; Sarıosmanoğlu, Nejat; Özkan, Murat; Yıldız, Okan; Şenkaya, Işık; Özdemir, Fatih; Biçer, Mehmet; Sarıtaş, A. Bülent; Atay, Yüksel; Seçiçi, Serkan; Kutsal, Ali; Haydin, Sertaç; Bilen, Çağatay; Onon, İsmihan Selen; Tuncer, Osman Nuri; Çitoğlu, Görkem; Doğan, Abdullah; Türköz, Rıza; Temur, Bahar; Koç, Murat; Sarıoğlu, C. Tayyar; ŞENKAYA SIĞNAK, IŞIK; Çitoğlu, Görkem; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.; DTC-2331-2022 ; EQC-2396-2022
    Objectives: A new congenital heart surgery database (CKCV) with real-time online reporting function was recently developed in Turkey. All standard international parameters were used, but Aristotle Comprehensive Complexity score was modified. In this study, the first analysis of the CKCV Database is reported. Methods: The CKCV Database included 2307 procedures from 12 centers between January 2018 and March 2020. All parameters, including 10 real-time online reports, which represent the number of centers, number and mortality rates of all procedures, number of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and results, details of postoperative complications, age-group statistics, analysis for priority status, mean intensive care and hospital stay durations of the procedures, results of Aristotle Basic, Modified Aristotle Comprehensive (MACC) and Society of Thoracic Surgeons-European Association (STAT) Score Categories, comparison of centers were analyzed. Results: Most common 10 procedures were ventricular septal defect (VSD) repair (n = 273), tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) repair (n = 243), atrial septal defect (ASD) repair (n = 181), complete AVSD repair (n = 95), cavopulmonary anastomosis (n = 81), systemic to pulmonary shunt (n = 79), modified Fontan (n = 71), subaortic resection, (n = 66) PA banding (n = 66), and arterial switch operation (n = 66). Cardiopulmonary bypass was used in 84.6% of the procedures. Overall mortality rate was 6.0%. A total of 618 major and 570 minor complications were observed in 333 and 412 patients, respectively. According to six MACC categories, number of the patients and mortality rates were I (293; 0.3%); II (713; 1.4%); III (601; 3.3%); IV (607; 12%); V (84; 35.7%); and VI (9; 55.6%), respectively. Analysis of five STAT Categories showed 0.7, 3.8, 5.4, 14.9, and 54.7% mortality rates. Conclusions: CKCV Database has a great potential for nationwide quality improvement studies. Users could instantly analyze and compare their results to national and international aggregate data using a real-time online reporting function. This is the first multicenter congenital database study in Turkey.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of polylactide film for prevention of pericardial adhesion in a rabbit model
    (Baycinar Medical Publ-Bayçınar Tıbbi Yayıncılık, 2015-01-01) Gürbüz, Orçun; Ercan, Abdulkadir; Biçer, Murat; Kumtepe, Gencehan; Bayram, Sami; Şenkaya, Işık; Saba, Davit; BİÇER, MURAT; BAYRAM, AHMET SAMİ; ŞENKAYA SIĞNAK, IŞIK; Saba, Davit; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.; ABC-2231-2020; ABB-7580-2020; DTC-2331-2022; DPS-9311-2022
    Background: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of a bioabsorbable polylactide film, which was proven to be effective in preventing pelvic adhesions, in prevention of postoperative pericardial adhesions in an animal model.Methods: Forty New Zealand white rabbits were divided equally into control and treatment groups. Subjects were performed left anterior thoracotomy and partial pericardiectomy followed by epicardial abrasion. In control groups (group 1 and 2), the pericardium was left open to allow retrosternal adhesions. In treatment groups (group 3 and 4), the pericardial defect was closed with 0.02 mm bioabsorbable polylactide film. Postoperative macroscopic and microscopic evaluations were made by the same blinded observers at the end of the third week in group 1 and 3, and at the end of the sixth week in group 2 and 4.Results: Macroscopic and histopathologic examinations revealed no significant differences between control and treatment groups in terms of adhesion formation. However, polylactide film supported the growth of a mesothelium-like layer in the treatment groups.Conclusion: Although polylactide film assists in the regeneration of mesothelial cells layer, it does not prevent the development of pericardial adhesions.
  • Publication
    A novel technique of pulmonary artery banding by means of radiofrequency ablation: An experimental study in rabbits
    (Bayçınar Tıbbi Yayıncılık, 2022-07-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Akça, Tuğberk; Genç, Abdüsselam; Küpeli, Zehra Avcı; Özfırat, Erencan; Canatan, Uygur; Uysal, Berfin; Sığnak, Işık Şenkaya; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; AKÇA, TUĞBERK; GENÇ, ABDÜSSELAM; KÜPELİ, ZEHRA AVCI; ÖZFIRAT, ERENCAN; CANATAN, UYGUR; ŞENKAYA SIĞNAK, IŞIK; 0000-0002-2747-974X; AAH-4421-2021; AEX-4557-2022; CQK-7120-2022; FHA-3247-2022; JHY-2022-2023; CJU-7194-2022; GPN-0680-2022
    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of a novel method of narrowing pulmonary arteries with catheter angiography using radiofrequency energy in rabbits. Methods: A total of nine New Zealand white rabbits weighing 3.0 to 4.2 kg each were utilized in this experimental study. After the location of pulmonary artery was confirmed by echocardiography and angiography, radiofrequency energy was applied by starting with 5 W energy for the first time and increasing by 5 W, if there was no rupture to a maximum of 20 W. Multiple applications of radiofrequency energy with different durations were performed at different levels of the pulmonary artery. Eight weeks later, surviving rabbits were sacrificed. The pulmonary arteries were removed for histological investigation. Results: Five rabbits remained alive after the experiment. There was a significant correlation between radiofrequency power and the degree of vessel thickness change in the pulmonary artery. The endothelial integrity of the tunica intima was impaired in all groups and the diameter of vessel was thickened by an average of 3.5 times. Conclusion: The narrowing of the pulmonary artery using radiofrequency energy was successfully performed in a small sample size of experimental animals in this study.