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  • Publication
    Estimation of soil erosion risk within an important agricultural sub-watershed in Bursa, Turkey, in relation to rapid urbanization
    (Springer, 2015-07-01) Özsoy, Gökhan; Aksoy, Ertuğrul; ÖZSOY, GÖKHAN; AKSOY, ERTUĞRUL; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü; 0000-0002-4421-7936; AAF-5336-2019; AAH-2993-2021
    This paper integrates the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) with a GIS model to investigate the spatial distribution of annual soil loss and identify areas of soil erosion risk in the Uluabat sub-watershed, an important agricultural site in Bursa Province, Turkey. The total soil loss from water erosion was 473,274 Mg year(-1). Accordingly, 60.3 % of the surveyed area was classified into a very low erosion risk class while 25.7 % was found to be in high and severe erosion risk classes. Soil loss had a close relationship with land use and topography. The most severe erosion risk typically occurs on ridges and steep slopes where agriculture, degraded forest, and shrubs are the main land uses and cover types. Another goal of this study was to use GIS to reveal the multi-year urbanization status caused by rapid urbanization that constitutes another soil erosion risk in this area. Urbanization has increased by 57.7 % and the most areal change was determined in class I lands at a rate of 80 % over 25 years. Urbanization was identified as one of the causes of excessive soil loss in the study area.
  • Publication
    Spatial and temporal changes in water quality parameters of a shallow lake
    (Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, 2015-10-01) Karaer, Feza; Katip, Aslıhan; İleri, Saadet; Sarmaşık, Sonay; Aksoy, Ertuğrul; Öztürk, Cihat; KARAER, FEZA; KATİP, ASLIHAN; İleri, Saadet; Sarmaşık, Sonay; AKSOY, ERTUĞRUL; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi/Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bölümü.; 0000-0001-5969-4180; AAH-2993-2021; AAH-3984-2021; KGL-1554-2024; FDU-0542-2022; DQX-6698-2022
    This article presents the result of investigation on the spatial and temporal changes in water quality of Uluabat Lake. It examines the relationship between water and sediment quality parameters, and assesses the factors affecting eutrophication. Water and sediment quality are examined at 8 stations in the lake between May 2008, and May 2009. Water and sediment quality parameters measured are T, pH, EC, SD, NH4-N, NO3-N, TN, PO4-P, TP. Also DO, alkalinity, hardness, SS, BOD, COD, Chl-a parameters in water and organic matter content in sediment are measured. SS, Chl-a, TP concentrations showed their maximum value in the summer (122.75 mg L-1, 43.87 mg m(-3) and 0.48 mg L-1 respectively), and their minimum value during winter (12 mg L-1, 6.80 mg m(-3), 0.076 mg L-1 respectively). TN indicated a maximum concentration in summer (23.23 mg L-1) and a minimum during spring (3.89 mg L-1). This study reveals the importance of relationships between temperature DO and nutrients in water. Effect of pH, relation of temperature, conductivity with all nutrients in the sediment, and the differences between the seasons are designated as statistically significant. Water pollution has measured extremely high in station 8 according to Chl-a, BOD and COD parameters, and station 1 indicates the same situation with respect to nitrogen parameters. The results revealed the importance and the need for strict control of point and non-point pollution loads for the preservation of the Uluabat Lake's water quality. Compliance requirements should be set up for activities that could adversely affect water quality.