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  • Publication
    An art-based longitudinal study on reading: How do primary-school children feel while reading?
    (Türk Kütüphaneciler, 2021-01-01) Kartal, Hülya; Bilhan, Dilek; KARTAL, HÜLYA; BİLHAN, DİLEK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Eğitim Fakültesi/Temel Eğitim Bölümü; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Eğitim Fakültesi/Güzel Sanatlar Eğitim Bölümü; 0000-0003-3732-7747; CZX-4051-2022; CEU-1358-2022
    Objective: One of the crucial indicators of being a reader throughout life is the positive and negative perceptions and feelings developed towards reading in childhood. This longitudinal research aims to determine how elementary-school children feel while reading and how they express their feelings through drawings. Moreover, the research intended to determine whether their feelings towards reading changed and developed after two years. Method: In accordance with the purpose of the study, the research was designed as a phenomenology method and conducted within the developmental research method according to the collected data. The research was carried out with 126 children from the second and fourth grade in an primary school in Inegol, one of the districts of the city Bursa and continued during the 20162017 and 2018-2019 academic years. According to an open-ended question prepared by the researchers;"Can you draw a picture about how you feel while reading a book?", the research data were collected through children's drawings. The drawings listed under the main theme "literacy" were coded within the typical facial expressions, and symbols, signs, words reflecting the emotional expressions and analyzed through calculating the frequencies based on these encodings of the drawings. Results: According to the findings, the vast majority of the children in the second grade and then also later in the fourth grade have positive feelings while reading. In the second grade, only six children and in the fourth-grade twelfth children stated that they have "different feelings" while reading. Girls drew "heart" images more than the boys when expressing their feelings in both the second and fourth grades. It was determined that approximately half of the boys and girls drew "open book" images while expressing their feelings on their readings in the second and fourth grade. There are differences according to grade levels in terms of drawing "thinking and speech bubble" images, and interestingly, in the second grade and following the fourth grade, the children wrote the names of their favourite books they have read or wanted to read in their drawings. Originality: One approach to understanding primary-school children and their experiences, feelings and inner voices is to invite them to draw pictures. When it has been discussed about the researches related to the reading skills, it is seen that the dimension that comes to the fore is not the emotions of reader but the cognitive or academic dimension of reading and the studies are mostly based on quantitative data. However no study has been found in which the feelings of primary school students' while reading are revealed through drawings. Conclusion: These results show that as the grades progresses, the positive emotions of the primary-school children continue throughout their school years; in other words, children nurture positive feelings about reading.
  • Publication
    Review of classroom teachers' standpoints for elementary schools in the context of schools' readiness
    (Türkçe Eğitimi, 2020-01-01) Güner, Fatih; Kartal, Hülya; Güner, Fatih; KARTAL, HÜLYA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü/İlköğretim Programı; 0000-0003-4531-8445; 0000-0003-3732-7747; GPP-4299-2022; CZX-4051-2022
    In this study, our aim is to determine whether elementary schools are ready for children to start school in line with the opinions of the classroom teachers. This research was carried out based on single screening and causal comparison models. The population of the study consisted of 617 classroom teachers, who were selected out of 881 classroom teachers in the city of canakkale through stratified sampling method. Data were collected using Elementary Schools' Readiness Assessment Tool (ESRAT), developed by Kartal and liner (2019), in the 2018-2019 school year. These data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, average, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Tukey's honestly significant difference test. The study found out that the sub-dimensions of the ESRAT with the highest average level of participation from the classroom teachers were respectively Implementations of transition to school, Physical arrangements in common use areas (PACUA), Physical security measures and Teachers' preparations. It also revealed that professional seniority and first-grade teaching experience had an impact on the average scores obtained by the classroom teachers from the dimension of Teachers' preparations. In addition, the study determined that there was a significant difference in the average scores of the classroom teachers on the ESRAT according to the level of education in terms of elementary schools' readiness, whereas there was no significant difference according to professional seniority, first-grade teaching experience, and the socioeconomic level of the school environment. This research addresses the subject of school readiness, focusing on schools, more particularly on the significance of a different dimension of school readiness in the national-scale literature.
  • Publication
    Factors affecting bullying in home and school life: A mixed method research
    (Ani Publishing, 2019-01-01) Kartal, Hülya; KARTAL, HÜLYA; Balantekin, Yakup; BALANTEKİN, YAKUP; SOYUÇOK, MEHMET; Bilgin, Asude; BİLGİN, ASUDE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Eğitim Fakültesi.; AAR-3555-2020; AAW-8954-2020
    In this research, it was aimed to determine the factors affecting the bullying in secondary school students' home and school life in a multifaceted and comprehensive manner with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study group of this research was determined according to sequential mixed method (quantitative-qualitative) sampling, one of the mixed method research designs. In this context, for collection of the quantitative data, fifth-grade students studying in randomly-selected classes at 19 secondary schools located in the centre of Bursa and chosen by the probability sampling method made up the study group. The qualitative data were obtained from the answers given to the survey questions by students determined to have been subjected to bullying or to have engaged in bullying. The research findings reveal that male students engaged in bullying or were subjected to bullying at a significantly higher rate than female students. There was a positive relation between the engagement of the students' in out of school activities and not participating in any kind of bullying situations. It was found that there was a negative relationship between playing daily video or computer games and participation in bullying situations. It was also found a negative relationship between friendship relations and being in bullying anyhow. There was a strong negative relation between the avarage points of self evaluation of students and participating in bullying situations. Students were frequently exposed to physical and verbal bullying; that students who engaged in bullying did so because they were themselves made fun of and sworn at; that when bullying took place, both students who were subjected to bullying and those who engaged in bullying generally moved away from the scene and that bullying was generally carried out in places where and at times when teachers were absent.