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  • Publication
    Effects of raster angle on tensile and surface roughness properties of various FDM filaments
    (Korean Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2021-07-22) Çakan, Betül Gülçimen; GÜLÇİMEN ÇAKAN, BETÜL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0003-1739-1143; AFD-6959-2022
    Parts produced by FDM (fused deposition modelling) technique, where polymer filaments are used, are anisotropic and their properties vary depending on the printing parameters, one of which is raster angle. In this study, the effects of this parameter on the tensile and the surface roughness properties were investigated. It was determined that the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) decreased with increasing raster angle; hence, 0 degrees raster angle where tensile loading direction is parallel to the raster yielded the highest strength. Besides +/- 45 degrees raster angle resulted the most ductile behaviour with the highest fracture strains. Fracture occurred due to raster failure for 0 degrees raster angle but for 90 degrees raster angle, it was due to the failure of the interlayer raster bonds. In the case of +/- 45 degrees, both of the failure mechanisms were effective. Surface roughness values increased up to 7 mu m when measurement was perpendicular to the raster and dropped below 1 mu m when it was parallel to the raster.
  • Publication
    Experimental and numerical investigation of in-plane and out-of-plane impact behaviour of auxetic honeycomb boxes produced by material extrusion
    (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2021-02-21) Çakan, Betül Gülçimen; Ensarioğlu, Cihat; Küçükakarsu, Volkan M.; Tekin, İbrahim E.; Çakır, M. Cemal; GÜLÇİMEN ÇAKAN, BETÜL; ENSARİOĞLU, CİHAT; Küçükakarsu, Volkan M.; Tekin, İbrahim E.; ÇAKIR, MUSTAFA CEMAL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü.; 0000-0003-4118-8639; 0000-0003-1739-1143; F-9772-2018; AFD-6959-2022; DAO-6186-2022; HQW-4065-2023; JIT-5147-2023
    Auxetic structures, which have a negative Poisson's ratio, have good mechanical energy/impact absorption properties. These structures have found application in sandwich composites in the aerospace and defence industries, in the production of armour or protective sports equipment. In this study, the mechanical behaviour of the auxetic honeycomb structure in different directions (in-plane and out-of-plane) under impact loading was investigated. For the in-plane (x and y) and out-of-plane (z) directions, boxes with an auxetic honeycomb structure were produced by material extrusion method using Power ABS filament. In the experimental study, dynamic tests were carried out with a drop test machine. Besides, explicit analyses were performed by creating finite element models for these 3 directions. The experimental and numerical results have shown that the energy absorption property of auxetic honeycomb geometry is superior in the case of out-of-plane loading, in agreement with each other. In in-plane loadings, crush force efficiency (CFE) and crush forces were lower.
  • Publication
    An enhanced method to evaluate tensile yield stress by small punch tests using deflection curves
    (Mdpi, 2020-06-01) Hahner, Peter; Soyarslan, Celal; Bargmann, Swantje; Çakan, Betül Gülçimen; GÜLÇİMEN ÇAKAN, BETÜL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü.; 0000-0003-1739-1143; AFD-6959-2022
    While force-displacement curves are often preferred in Small Punch (SP) tests due to the ease of the experimental set-up, they encompass significant uncertainties arising from frame compliance. In this work, a methodology is presented to predict yield stresses from the force vs. deflection curves. The present method relies on determining different force levels from the initial part of the force-deflection curve to reflect both the slope and the curvature instead of using a single force level only. The predicted yield stresses for different types of materials, that is, low- and high-strength alloys, are found to be in good agreement with the actual proof stresses with a maximum error of 16%.