Publication: A civil phenomenon in the shadow of mourning: Religious associations in Iran
Kaynamazoğlu, Zeynep Sena
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The strongest element of Shi'ite popular religiosity is the mourning ceremonies performed in Moharram. MODIFIER LETTER LEFT HALF RINGAsura and similar religious ceremonies allow Shi'ite Muslims to renew their ties with the twelve Imams, especially Imam Husayn (d. 61/680) and to keep their collective memories alive. These ceremonies that constitute an important component of private religiosity have a comprehensive social and political aspect. One of the most important examples of this in con-temporary Iran is the religious associations (hey'at, plural hey'atha) composed of people who came together to perform religious ceremonies. Religious associations are a unique phenomenon produced by Iranian society in the modern period though the Fotowwa tradition (Javanmardi) has a strong influence on them. They are remarkable in terms of bringing people from different economic and social classes together on a common platform. Religious associations are dynamic structures with high mobility due to their civil and informal nature. This dynamism enabled them to play a key role in the Iranian Islamic Revolution and the Iran-Iraq war. As social conditions and styles of religiosity have changed, nature of religious associations has also changed; therefore, the authority wants to take them under control. This study reveals the social and political influence of popular religiosity by addressing the historical and religious origins and structure and social functions of the religious associations in addition to their relationship with politics.
Commemoration, Rituals, History of the islamic sects, Iran, Karbal??, Mo?arram, Mourning rituals, Religious associations (hey?at), Sh??a, Arts & humanities, Religion