Comparison and assessment of ovarian follicular dynamics during the breeding and non-breeding season in saanen goats

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We describe and compare the ovarian follicular dynamics and plasma progesterone concentrations in nulliparous Saanen does during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Does were monitored daily using transrectal ovarian ultrasonography for a full oestrous cycle in the breeding (n = 19) and a 21-day period in the non-breeding season (n = 20). At two-day intervals, blood samples were taken to determine plasma progesterone by ELISA. The pattern of follicular growth was characterised by four and five follicular waves in both seasons. Although the number of follicular waves was similar in the two seasons, the number of codominant follicles (p=0.027), the diameter of the largest follicle of waves 1 (p=0.036) and 4 (p=0.031), the duration of waves 3 (p=0.029) and 4 (p=0.034), the diameter of the largest follicle (p=0.042), the sums of the durations of all waves (p=0.037), the interwave interval (p=0.026) and the follicle growth rate (p=0.044) were higher in the breeding than in the non-breeding season. In addition, the numbers of small, medium and large follicles and the total number of all follicles of all waves differed between the seasons (p=0.037). In the breeding season, we found significant differences between the waves in the diameter of the largest follicles (p=0.042) and the duration of the waves (p=0.037); in the non-breeding season, no significant differences were found. Ovulatory follicles were most common in the fifth follicle wave. In the breeding season, the mean inter-oestrus and inter-ovulatory intervals and the numbers of ovulations after a synchronized oestrus with PGF2a were 21.47 +/- 0.19 days, 20.47 +/- 0.19 days and 1.84 +/- 0.86. The results indicate that follicular growth in Saanen goats during the breeding and non-breeding season is characterised by a wave-like pattern that differs between seasons.



Early luteal-phase, Estrous-cycle, Progesterone concentrations, Interovulatory interval, Preovulatory follicles, Growth, Origin, Estrus, Anoestrus, Goats, Oestrous cycle, Follicular wave, Ultrasonography, Science & technology, Life sciences & biomedicine, Veterinary sciences




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