Documentation of extensive genetic diversity in the Ovar-DRB1 gene in native Turkish sheep

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Indigenous breeds have a high level of genetic diversity that might contribute to develop animal breeds with desired traits such as disease resistance and high productivity. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a key component of adaptive immune system and consists of highly polymorphic genes that take part in adaptive immune response and disease resistance. Exploring and understanding the effect of polymorphisms in MHC could be beneficial to future animal breeding strategies. In this study, we sequenced the highly polymorphic Exon2 of the ovine DRB1 gene using Sanger sequencing to explore the diversity of this gene in six indigenous Turkish sheep breeds and two crossbreeds. In total, 894 haplotypes from 447 sheep were investigated, and 69 different haplotypes including 27 novel ones were identified. Among the identified haplotypes there were common and breed specific haplotypes. There was a relatively high diversity of the alleles within indigenous breeds. Allelic diversity patterns were mostly associated with geographical differences. The results of this study highlight the genetic variation within indigenous breeds which has important implications for biodiversity and the adaptability of breeds to specific environments. There is value to further studies which include other genomic regions and traits, and these could guide breeding strategies.



Ovine drb1, Mhc, Genetic diversity, Native turkish sheep, Science & technology, Life sciences & biomedicine, Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Biotechnology & applied microbiology, Agriculture




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