Air quality level, emission sources and control strategies in Bursa/Turkey

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Turkish Natl Committee Air Pollution Res & Control-tuncap

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In parallel with rapidly increasing population and number of motor vehicles, irregular urbanization, and unplanned industrialization, air pollution has reached dangerous levels in developing cities. Various industries such as textile, automotive, chemical, rubber and plastic industries are located in Bursa. In addition, the region receives a lot of migration and there is an intensive air pollution problem due to dense urbanization. The air quality monitoring station results showed that the PM10 and NOx are the main pollutants reducing air quality in the city. Despite the much efforts and regulations, air quality level has been getting worst year by year. Stakeholders were brought together to explore the true causes of non-blocking emissions, identify resource loads and priorities, and develop solutions. The current level and variation of air pollutant concentrations depending on years were presented to stakeholders. A survey and discussion were performed within the workshop, and consequently; industry, transportation, heating and uncontrolled combustion activities came front. Especially the fact that the industry is located in the city and the transportation network of the city is inadequate has emerged as the main source of air pollution problem. In order to develop effective solution, it was emphasized that effective supervision should come to the forefront and new industrial facilities should not be established in the regions in or near the city.



No2, Criteria air pollutants, Industrial emissions, Mobile sources, Air pollution prevention, Improve air quality, Science & technology, Life sciences & biomedicine, Environmental sciences




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