The prevalance of herbal product use as a alternative medicine among cancer patients in Turkey

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Derman Medical Publ

Research Projects

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Aim: We investigated the prevalance of herbal product use in cancer patients who were followed up and treated at our center. Material and Method: A total of 271 patients were enrolled in this study. Patients asked to complete a questionnaire form and the stage of the patients and the treatment given were recorded following the delivery of the questionnaire form by the investigator. Results: Herbal products were used by 97 (35.7%) of 271 patients who completed the questionaire. The most common herbal products used alone or in combination were urtica urens, ginger, bee pollen, green tea. The highest use rate was observed in patients between the age of 40 and 49 (54%, p= 0.099). The rate also was found to increase in in paralel to the increased level of income i. e 32% in patients with a lower income level, 35% patients with a moderate income level, and 44% in patients with a high income level (p= 0.386). As the education level increased, the rate of use of herbal products also increased (p= 0.023). Discussion: The use of herbal products is rather prevalent among cancer patients. There is a need to increase the awareness of the physicians regarding herbal products and educate the population as a whole.



Complementary, Prevalence, Therapies, Cancer, Alternative medicine, Plant product, Science & technology, Life sciences & biomedicine, Medicine, general & internal, General & internal medicine




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