Investigation of the crack propagation behavior of the multiwalled carbon nanotube/graphite/natural rubber hybrid nanocomposites using digital image correlation technique

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In the presented study, a hybrid Natural Rubber (NR) based semiconductive nanocomposites was examined to obtain better electrical and mechanical properties. The hybrid nanocomposite produced by incorporation of the Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT) and graphite nanoparticles into the NR. The conventional curing additives also included in the compound. A functionalized MWCNT (1, 2 and 3 phr's) with 3 phr graphite quotas were studied to produce the NR nanocomposites. The MWCNT/Graphite and NR mixed homogeneously to advance the interfacial interaction with the matrix. The graphite nano-particulates added to obtain 3D electrical connectivity network in the hybrid nanocomposites by becoming bridging points between multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Nanocomposites were produced as 3 mm sheets in a steel mold by vulcanizing at 165 degrees C for 10 min under pressure. The single-edge notched tension specimens were subjected to estimate crack propagation and electrical resistance relation. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique was used to observe the crack resistivity function. The results evaluated to clarify the relationship between crack length, MWCNT filler ratio, and electrical conductivity properties. MWCNTs are generally preferred as the reinforcements for their very high aspect ratio and excellent specific surface area properties. However, the electrical conductivity of the nanocomposites is owing to the constitution of a continuous conductive 3D network of MWCNT and Graphite in the NR matrix.



Fracture-resistance, Black, Multiwalled carbon nanotube, Graphite, Hybrid nanocomposites, Natural rubber, Crack propagation, Dic, Science & technology, Technology, Physical sciences, Engineering, electrical & electronic, Nanoscience & nanotechnology, Physics, applied, Engineering, Science & technology - other topics, Physics




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