Civcivlerde bakır noksanlığının hiperkolesterolemi ve arteriosklerozis oluşumuna etkisi üzerinde araştırmalar
Tanrıverdi, Meltem
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bakır noksanlığının hiperlipidemi,hiperkolesterolemi ve arterıosklerozis üzerine etkilerini incelemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada materyal olarak İzobrown x Lohmann cinsi günlük 150 civciv 5 ay süreyle incelendi. Deneme ve kontrol olmak üzere iki farklı gruba ayrılan hayvanlar temelde aynı yem maddelerinden oluşan özel bir rasyonla beslendiler.Deneme grubu rasyonunun mineral karışımı bakır içermezken,kontrol grubuna 5 mg/kg bakır ilavesi yapıldı.Yem maddelerinden gelebilecek bakırın kullanılmasını e¬gellemek için deneme grubuna 2 mg/kg molibden ilave edildi.İçme suyu olarak da deneme grubuna bidistile su,kontrol grubuna normal çeşme suyu verildi. Araştırmada civcivlerin plazmalarındaki bakır düzeyleri ile kolesterol,lipid miktarları ve aortalarındaki arteriosklerozisle ilgili histopatolojik bulgular arasındaki ilişkiler,bakırın büyüme,canlı ağırlık kazancı ve eritrosit sayısı üzerine etkisi incelendi. Civcivlerin plazma bakır düzeyleri Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektrofotometre kullanılarak belirlendi.Başlangıçta % 4 mcg olan plazma bakırı 4. ve 5. ayın sonunda sırasıyla deneme grubunda % 7.74-9.55 mcg,kontrol grubunda % 15.80-16.65 mcg olarak saptandı.Bu aylar içinde gruplar arası bakır miktarları farklılığı p O.01 düzeyinde Önemli bulundu. Plazma total lipid düzeyi 5. ayın sonunda kontrol grubunda 944 ıgg, deneme grubunda Z 1115 rçg olarak saptandı.İki grubun plazma lipid miktarları arasında p0.05 düzeyinde istatistiksel önem bulunmuştur. Plazma kolesterol düzeyi yine 5. ayın sonunda kontrol grubunda % 107 mg, deneme grubunda % 147.68 mg ’dır. Gruplar arası farklılık p 0.05 düzeyinde öneme sahiptir. Bakır noksanlığının arterioskleroz oluşumu üzerine et¬kisini incelemek amacı ile her ay düzenli olarak kesilen hayvanlardan alınan aorta örnekleri incelendi. Makroskobik olarak bir değişiklik gözlenmedi. Mikroskobik incelemede ise deneme grubuna ait orta kesitlerinde gözlenen histopatolojik değişiklikler araştırma süresine paralel olarak artış gösterdi, ortaların subintimaldokusundaki elastik membranlarda soluk boyanma,hyalinizasyon saptandı.Daha sonra membranlarm hyalinizasyon sonu boşaldığı,subintimal dokuda hidrobik dejenerasyon ve çalışmanın sonlarında alınan aorta kesitlerinde endo tel hücrelerinde granüler tipte yağlanma intima ve media tabakalarında yağ damlacıkları saptandı.Kontrol grubu hayvanlarına ait aorta kesitlerinde ise herhangi bir değişiklik gözlenmedi. Eritrosit sayıları da gruplara göre farklılık göstermiştir.Bakır düzeyi normal olan grupta eritrositmm olarak bulunmuştur. Gruplar arasındaki farklılık istatistiksel olarak p O.Ol düzeyinde öneme sahiptir. Büyüme ve canlı ağırlık artışı ile bakır düzeyi arasındaki bağlantıyı incelemek için her ay düzenli bir şekilde rastgele seçilip tartılan iki grup hayvan arasında canlı ağırlik farklılıkları gözlendi. Kontrol grubu hayvanları 5. ay sonunda 1424.5+ 90.5 g canlı ağırlığa ulaşırken, deneme grubu hayvanlarının ağırlığı 1238 73.6 g olarak saptandı. Araların¬daki farklılık istatistiksel olarak pO.Ol düzeyinde önemli bulundu. Civcivlerde deneysel olarak şekillendirilen bakır noksanlığının hiperlipidemi,hiperkolesterolemi oluşturduğu,arteriosklerozisi desteklediği,büyümeyi geciktirdiği ve eritrosit sayısında gözlenen azalma ile anemi nedeni olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır
In this study one-day old 150 Isobrown x Lohmann breed of chicks were used as research materials for five months to investigate the effects of copper deficiency on the hyperli- pidemia, hypercholesterolemia and the formation of arterioscle rosis. Chicks were divided into two different groups as control and treated. They were fed with a special ration. The mineral mixtures of treated group had no copper whereas control group had 5 mg/kg copper within their rations. In order to prevent the usage of copper came from the feedstuff 2 mg/kg molybde num added to the ration of treated group. As a drinking water, treated group had bidistilled and control group had tap water. The relationship between the levels of plasma copper, cholesterol and lipid and the histopathological findings re lated with arteriosclerosis were searched and the effects of copper on live w,eight gains and the number of erythrocyte were also determined. The plasma copper levels of chicks were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.At the beginning of re search the plasma Cu levels were % 4 meg but it was increased at the fourth and fifth months to % 7.74-9.55 meg in treated group, % 15.80-16.65 meg in the control group, respectively. The differences of the plasma Cu levels between two groups at mentioned months were found statiscally important (p^O.01)The levels of plasma total lipid at the end of fifth month in control and treated groups were % 944 mg and % 1115 mg, respectively.The differences between the values of these two groups were found statistically important ( p ^0.05). Also the levels of plasma cholesterol at the end of the fifth month were determined as % 107 mg in control and % 147.86 mg in treated group. The differences between mentioned groups were statistically important (p^0.05). To determine the effect of copper deficiency on the formation of arteriosclerosis the fresh aorta samples from slaughtered chicks were examined.There were no macroscop - ically changes. But in microscopical examinations the changes of aorta has increased by time.Hyalinisation and pale stain ing were determined in the subintimal layers of aorta. Later membranes were destructed and dissappeared because of loosen ing of subintimal layers due to hyalinisation.Furthermore there were hydrobic degerenerations and odema.At the end of this research, the aorta samples have had granular lipidosis, lipid droplets inintima and media layers. There were no his tological changes in the aorta samples of control group. The number of erythrocyte were also different in rese arch groups. In the control group and treated group it was es- timated as 2.43x10 /mm,2.268x10 /mm, respectively.The dif ferences between groups were found statistically important. (p^O.01) The randomly chosen chicks were weighed regularly for five months in order to determine the relationship betweenlive weight gain and the levels of plasma copper. There were significantly differences on live weight gain (p jg.0.01). At the end of the fifth months the control and treated group had average weights as 1424.5 g,1238 g, respectively. As a conclusions, the experimentally developped copper deficiency in chicks could be a reason for hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia and it was a supporter for arterioscle rosis. And also copper deficiency was a reason for growth re tardation, and anemia due to decreases in erythrocyte number.
In this study one-day old 150 Isobrown x Lohmann breed of chicks were used as research materials for five months to investigate the effects of copper deficiency on the hyperli- pidemia, hypercholesterolemia and the formation of arterioscle rosis. Chicks were divided into two different groups as control and treated. They were fed with a special ration. The mineral mixtures of treated group had no copper whereas control group had 5 mg/kg copper within their rations. In order to prevent the usage of copper came from the feedstuff 2 mg/kg molybde num added to the ration of treated group. As a drinking water, treated group had bidistilled and control group had tap water. The relationship between the levels of plasma copper, cholesterol and lipid and the histopathological findings re lated with arteriosclerosis were searched and the effects of copper on live w,eight gains and the number of erythrocyte were also determined. The plasma copper levels of chicks were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.At the beginning of re search the plasma Cu levels were % 4 meg but it was increased at the fourth and fifth months to % 7.74-9.55 meg in treated group, % 15.80-16.65 meg in the control group, respectively. The differences of the plasma Cu levels between two groups at mentioned months were found statiscally important (p^O.01)The levels of plasma total lipid at the end of fifth month in control and treated groups were % 944 mg and % 1115 mg, respectively.The differences between the values of these two groups were found statistically important ( p ^0.05). Also the levels of plasma cholesterol at the end of the fifth month were determined as % 107 mg in control and % 147.86 mg in treated group. The differences between mentioned groups were statistically important (p^0.05). To determine the effect of copper deficiency on the formation of arteriosclerosis the fresh aorta samples from slaughtered chicks were examined.There were no macroscop - ically changes. But in microscopical examinations the changes of aorta has increased by time.Hyalinisation and pale stain ing were determined in the subintimal layers of aorta. Later membranes were destructed and dissappeared because of loosen ing of subintimal layers due to hyalinisation.Furthermore there were hydrobic degerenerations and odema.At the end of this research, the aorta samples have had granular lipidosis, lipid droplets inintima and media layers. There were no his tological changes in the aorta samples of control group. The number of erythrocyte were also different in rese arch groups. In the control group and treated group it was es- timated as 2.43x10 /mm,2.268x10 /mm, respectively.The dif ferences between groups were found statistically important. (p^O.01) The randomly chosen chicks were weighed regularly for five months in order to determine the relationship betweenlive weight gain and the levels of plasma copper. There were significantly differences on live weight gain (p jg.0.01). At the end of the fifth months the control and treated group had average weights as 1424.5 g,1238 g, respectively. As a conclusions, the experimentally developped copper deficiency in chicks could be a reason for hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia and it was a supporter for arterioscle rosis. And also copper deficiency was a reason for growth re tardation, and anemia due to decreases in erythrocyte number.
Arterioskleroz, Arteriosclerosis, Bakır, Copper, Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Civcivler, Chick, Hiperkolesterolemi, Hypercholesterolemia, Cu deficiency, Live weight gai, Erytrocyte number, Hyperlipidemia
Tanrıverdi, M. (1991). Civcivlerde bakır noksanlığının hiperkolesterolemi ve arteriosklerozis oluşumuna etkisi üzerinde araştırmalar. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.