Fârâbî'nln siyaset felsefesinde "ilk-başkan (er-Reîs el-Evvel)" kavramı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Fârâbi'ye göre, her erdemli toplumun, mutlak anlamda ilk yöneticisi ve kanun koyucusu durumunda bulunan bir ilk-başkanı vardır, İlk-başkan toplumun yönetimi yanında eğitiminden de sorumlu olan insandır. O bu sorumluluğunu sahip olduğu iki üstün nitelikle, peygamber ve filozof olmakla yerine getirir, ilk-başkan, bir taraftan, maddi olana ilişkin bütün sınırları aşıp öte'de yaşarken, bir taraftan da bu bu ilişkiden sıyrılarak yeryüzünü düzenlemekte ve yönetmektedir. Fârâbl'ye göre, ilk-başkan bütün fonksiyonlarını Tanrı'dan almış olduğu vahiy doğrultusunda gerçekleştirir.
According to al-Fârâbl, there is a first-chief for every city which was idealized by him. The First-chief is the first ruler and lawgiver of the ideal city (madinah fadı- lah) and there is no chief above him. He is not only a philosopher but also a prophet who takes revelation from the First Principle of ali — God — through the agency of the active intellect. In al-Fârâbî's thinking, the First chief is ideal ruler and has both intellect and imagination at the same time, With this two peculiarites he has the power of guiding men who are under his control to happiness.
According to al-Fârâbl, there is a first-chief for every city which was idealized by him. The First-chief is the first ruler and lawgiver of the ideal city (madinah fadı- lah) and there is no chief above him. He is not only a philosopher but also a prophet who takes revelation from the First Principle of ali — God — through the agency of the active intellect. In al-Fârâbî's thinking, the First chief is ideal ruler and has both intellect and imagination at the same time, With this two peculiarites he has the power of guiding men who are under his control to happiness.
İlk başkan, Fârâbi, Filozof, First-chief, Philosopher
Aydınlı, Y. (1987). "Fârâbî'nln siyaset felsefesinde "ilk-başkan (er-Reîs el-Evvel)" kavramı". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(2), 291-302.