Subaraknoid kanamalar (125 olgunun takdimi)
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmaya, Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji ve Nöroşirürji kliniklerinde Ocak 1985-Aralık 1990 tarihleri arasında yatırılarak tetkik ve tedavileri yapılan 125 Subaraknoid Kanama (SAK) olgusu alındı. Olgular 1 - klinik semptomatolojileri, Hunt ve Hess'e göre Grade'leri, nöroradyolojik inceleme sonuçları takip ve tedavi sonuçları gibi değişik parametrelerle değerlendirildi. Hastaların ilk değerlendirmede % 8.8'i Grade I, % 34.4'ü Grade Il, % 32'si Grade III, % 12'si Grade IV, % 12.8'i Grade V idi. Olguların 116'nın Komputerize Tomografilerinde (KT) % 79.3'ünde SAK veya SAK ile ilgili patolojiler saptandı. 125 hastanın 77'sine 4 kanal anjiografi yapıldı. Anjiyografi yapıları hastaların % 76'da (58 hastada) kanama nedeni olacak patoloji bulundu. Postoperalif genel mortalite % 12.2, Grade'de % 0, grade Il'de % 10, grade lll'de % 9.5, grade IV'de ise % 33.3 idi. Yüksek grade nedeni ile opere edilmeyen ya da anjiografide patoloji tespit edilmeyen hastalarda ise mortalite oranı % 39.5 bulundu.
125 patients suffering from subarachnoid hemorrhage were studied retrospectively according to clinical symptoms and signs, grading, neuroradiological findings and results of medical and surgical treatments. Clinical status of patients at admission were graded according to Hunt and Hess as follow 8.8 % Grade I, 34.4 % Grade II, 32.0 % Grade III, 12.0 % Grade IV, and 12.8 % Grade V. Computerized tomograplıic studies were performed in 116 patients and 79.3 % of them had pathological findings related to SAH. Four-vessel cerebral angiography was done in 77 patients and aneurysm or vascular pathology were shown in 58 (76 %) of them. Overall mortality was 39.5 % in the medical treated group and 122 % in the surgical treated group. Our results were comparable with results in literature.
125 patients suffering from subarachnoid hemorrhage were studied retrospectively according to clinical symptoms and signs, grading, neuroradiological findings and results of medical and surgical treatments. Clinical status of patients at admission were graded according to Hunt and Hess as follow 8.8 % Grade I, 34.4 % Grade II, 32.0 % Grade III, 12.0 % Grade IV, and 12.8 % Grade V. Computerized tomograplıic studies were performed in 116 patients and 79.3 % of them had pathological findings related to SAH. Four-vessel cerebral angiography was done in 77 patients and aneurysm or vascular pathology were shown in 58 (76 %) of them. Overall mortality was 39.5 % in the medical treated group and 122 % in the surgical treated group. Our results were comparable with results in literature.
Bu çalışma, 21-26 Mayıs 1991 tarihlerinde Çeşme[Türkiye]'de düzenlenen Nöroşirürji Kongresinde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
Subaraknoid kanamalar, Nöroloji, Nöroradyoloji, Angiografi, Subarachnoid hemorrhages, Neuroradiology
Doygun, M. vd. (1992). ''Subaraknoid kanamalar (125 olgunun takdimi) ''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(3), 353-361.