The matter of clinical sequencing for familial breast cancer: The route from Sanger to next generation

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We mentioned the importance of clinical sequence analysis in risk determination, diagnostic and therapeutic process of familial breast cancer and we also summarized next generation sequencing applications in this cancer type. In conclusion, BRCA1/2 genes mutations are associated with an increasing the risk of particularly familial breast cancer. However, sequencing of moderate penetrance genes and/or whole exome could also fill large knowledge gaps in explaining genetic predisposition of breast cancer.


Bu çalışma, 22-24 Haziran 2017 tarihlerinde Sinaia[Romanya]’da düzenlenen 6. IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering (EHB) Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Computer science, Engineering, Medical informatics, Genes, Risk analysis, Risk assessment, Familial breast cancer, Next generation sequencing, Early-onset, Inherited mutations, Dna-repair, Risk, Brca1, Association, Variants, Palb2, Breast cancer, Genes mutation, Genetic predisposition, Knowledge gaps, Next-generation sequencing, Risk determination, Sanger sequencing, Sequence analysis, Diseases


Eryılmaz, I. E. vd. (2017). ''The matter of clinical sequencing for familial breast cancer: The route from Sanger to next generation''. E-Health and Bioengineering Conference, 2017 IEEE Internatıonal conference on E-health and bioengineerıng conference (EHB), 181-184.