Tavuk, yerli ördek ve güvercinlerde Plexus Brachialis'in oluşumu ve plexus oluşumuna katılan Temel Rami Ventrales'teki Sinir Fasciculus'larının sayı, çap, yerleşim ve dağılımlarının makroanatomik ve subgros incelenmesi
Yıldız, Hüseyin
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu araştırma, kanatlı sinirleri üzerinde yapılacak çalışmalara temel oluşturması ve türler arasında fonksiyonel değişikliğe bağlı olarak plexus brachialis'in gerek morfolojik gerekse morfometrik benzerlik ve farklılıklarının incelenmesi amacı ile planlandı. Çalışmada 10'ar adet tavuk, yerli ördek ve güvercin kullanıldı. Plexus brachialis'in oluşumuna katılan ramus ventralis'ler, plexus gövdesi ve ondan çıkan sinirler diseke edildi. Morfolojik bulgular tespit edildikten sonra deneme çalışmalarında belirlenmiş düzeylerden 0.2-0.4 cm. kalınlığında enine sinir kesitleri alındı. Sinir kesit yüzeyleri boyandıktan sonra stereomikroskopta morfometrik ölçümleri alındı. Plexus brachialis'in, tavuk ve ördekte C13, C14, C15, Thı ve Th2, güvercinde ise Cn, Cn, C13 ve Thı tarafindan oluşturulduğu gözlendi. Plexus'u oluşturan temel ramus ventralis'lerin tavuk ve ördekte Cı4, C15 ile Thı, güvercinde ise Ci2, C13 ve Thı olduğu saptandı. En uzun ramus ventralis'in tavukta 1.34 ± 0.01 cm ile Thı, ördekte 1.30 ± 0.04 cm ile Cu, güvercinde 1.00 ± 0.02 cm ile Cn olduğu görüldü. Ramus ventralis'ler birer adet sinir fascicul'ü içermekte olup, en büyük çaplı olanı tavukta 1.32 ± 0.05 mm ve ördekte 1.43 ± 0.08 mm ile Cıs, güvercinde ise 1.27 ± 0.07 mm ile C13 'ün olduğu saptandı.Plexus brachialis, columna vertebralis'in ventrolateral'inde, scapula'nin ventral'inde, kursağın caudal'inde şekillendiği görüldü. En uzun ve en geniş değerlerine tavukta rastlanıldı. Plexus brachialis'in ramus ventralis'ler arasında gerçekleşen fascicul alış-verişi ile oluştuğu gözlendi. Plexus'u oluşturan ramus ventralis'lerdeki fascicul sayısının üç türde de plexus gövdesindeki fascicul sayısından daha az olduğu saptandı. Tavukta plexus brachialis'in, ördek ve güvercinden farklı olarak iki aşamada şekillendiği tespit edildi. Tavuk ve güvercinde plexus'un cranial demetleri fasciculus dorsalis'i, caudal demetleri fasciculus ventralis'i oluştururken, ördekte craniolateral demetlerin fasciculus dorsalis'i, caudomedial demetlerin fasciculus ventralis'i oluşturduğu saptandı. Tavuk ve güvercinde fasciculus dorsalis'in cranial demetlerince n. axillaris, caudal demetlerince n. radialis oluşurken, ördekte n. axillaris'in craniolateral, n. radialis'in caudomedial demetlerce şekillendirildiği tespit edildi. N. radialis'in kanadın extensor kasları ile dorsal ve lateral yüzü derisini innerve ettiği saptandı. N. medianoulnaris, fasciculus ventralis'in tavukta caudal, ördekte craniolateral, güvercinde ise lateral demetlerince oluşurken, n. pectoralis'in tavukta cranial, ördekte caudomedial, güvercinde medial demetlerince şekillendiği saptandı. Tavuk ve ördekte art. cubiti'nin lcm. proximaTinde n. medianoulnaris'in cranial demetleri n. medianus'u, caudal demetleri n. ulnaris'i oluştururken güvercinde caudomedial demetlerin n. medianus'u, craniolateral demetlerin n. ulnaris'i oluşturduğu görüldü. N. medianus'un antebrachium'un üst kısmının, n. ulnaris'in ise alt kısmının kas ve derisini innerve ettiği tespit edildi.Kanatta seyreden sinirlerin distal'e uzandıkça çaplarında azalma olduğu belirlendi.
This study was planned in order to form a base for later researches on avian nerves and to examine morphological and morphometrical similarities and differences of brachial plexus related to functional differences between species. In the study 10 chickens, 10 domestic ducks and 10 pigeons were used. Ventral branches forming brachial plexus, plexus body and the leaving nerves were dissecated. After the determination of morphologic findings, 0.2 - 0.4 cm width sections were taken from the levels which were formerly determined at experimental studies. Nerve cut faces were dyed and then morphometrical measurements were made at stereomicroscope. Brachial plexus was observed to form from Co, Cu, C15, Thi and Th2 in chicken and duck, and from Cn, Cn, C13 and Thi in pigeon. Major ventral branches forming plexus were CX4, C15 and Thi in chicken and duck, Cı2, C13 and Thi in pigeon. The longest ventral branch was seen to be Thi with 1.34 ± 0.01 cm. in chicken, Cm with 1.30 + 0.04 cm. in duck and Cn with 1.00 ± 0.02 cm. in pigeon. 4Ventral branches contained one nerve fascicle; the one with biggest diameter was C15 with 1.32 ± 0.05 mm. in chicken and 1.43 ± 0.08 mm. in duck, and C13 with 1.27 + 0.07 mm. in pigeon. Brachial plexus was observed to form at the ventrolateral of vertebral column, at the ventral of scapula and caudal of crop. The longest and the most wide values were observed in chicken. Brachial plexus was seen to be formed by fascicul merging between ventral branches. The number of fascicles ventral branches forming plexus were found to be less than the number of fascicles of plexus body in all three species. In chicken brachial plexus formed in two stages, differing from duck and pigeon. In chicken and pigeon cranial bundles of plexus formed dorsal fascicle, caudal bundles formed ventral fascicle, whileas in duck craniolateral bundles formed dorsal fascicle and caudomedial bundles formed ventral fascicle. In chicken and pigeon axillar nerve was formed by cranial bundles and radial nerve by caudal bundles of dorsal fascicle, whileas in duck axillar nerve was formed by craniolateral and radial nerve by caudomedial bundles. Radial nerve was found to innerve extensor muscle and dorsal and lateral faces of the skin of wing. Medianoulnar nerve was formed by caudal bundles of ventral fascicle in chicken, craniolateral bundles in duck and lateral bundles in pigeon, while pectoral nerve was formed by cranial bundles of ventral fascicle in chicken, caudomedial bundles in duck and medial bundles in pigeon.In chicken and duck at 1 cm. proximal of elbow joint, cranial bundles of medianoulnar nerve formed median nerve, caudal bundles formed ulnar nerve, while in pigeon caudomedial bundles formed median nerve and craniolateral bundles formed ulnar nerve. It was found that median nerve innerved proximal part and ulnar nerve distal part muscle and skin of antebrachium. A decrease in the diameters of wing nerves was observed, as they extend distally.
This study was planned in order to form a base for later researches on avian nerves and to examine morphological and morphometrical similarities and differences of brachial plexus related to functional differences between species. In the study 10 chickens, 10 domestic ducks and 10 pigeons were used. Ventral branches forming brachial plexus, plexus body and the leaving nerves were dissecated. After the determination of morphologic findings, 0.2 - 0.4 cm width sections were taken from the levels which were formerly determined at experimental studies. Nerve cut faces were dyed and then morphometrical measurements were made at stereomicroscope. Brachial plexus was observed to form from Co, Cu, C15, Thi and Th2 in chicken and duck, and from Cn, Cn, C13 and Thi in pigeon. Major ventral branches forming plexus were CX4, C15 and Thi in chicken and duck, Cı2, C13 and Thi in pigeon. The longest ventral branch was seen to be Thi with 1.34 ± 0.01 cm. in chicken, Cm with 1.30 + 0.04 cm. in duck and Cn with 1.00 ± 0.02 cm. in pigeon. 4Ventral branches contained one nerve fascicle; the one with biggest diameter was C15 with 1.32 ± 0.05 mm. in chicken and 1.43 ± 0.08 mm. in duck, and C13 with 1.27 + 0.07 mm. in pigeon. Brachial plexus was observed to form at the ventrolateral of vertebral column, at the ventral of scapula and caudal of crop. The longest and the most wide values were observed in chicken. Brachial plexus was seen to be formed by fascicul merging between ventral branches. The number of fascicles ventral branches forming plexus were found to be less than the number of fascicles of plexus body in all three species. In chicken brachial plexus formed in two stages, differing from duck and pigeon. In chicken and pigeon cranial bundles of plexus formed dorsal fascicle, caudal bundles formed ventral fascicle, whileas in duck craniolateral bundles formed dorsal fascicle and caudomedial bundles formed ventral fascicle. In chicken and pigeon axillar nerve was formed by cranial bundles and radial nerve by caudal bundles of dorsal fascicle, whileas in duck axillar nerve was formed by craniolateral and radial nerve by caudomedial bundles. Radial nerve was found to innerve extensor muscle and dorsal and lateral faces of the skin of wing. Medianoulnar nerve was formed by caudal bundles of ventral fascicle in chicken, craniolateral bundles in duck and lateral bundles in pigeon, while pectoral nerve was formed by cranial bundles of ventral fascicle in chicken, caudomedial bundles in duck and medial bundles in pigeon.In chicken and duck at 1 cm. proximal of elbow joint, cranial bundles of medianoulnar nerve formed median nerve, caudal bundles formed ulnar nerve, while in pigeon caudomedial bundles formed median nerve and craniolateral bundles formed ulnar nerve. It was found that median nerve innerved proximal part and ulnar nerve distal part muscle and skin of antebrachium. A decrease in the diameters of wing nerves was observed, as they extend distally.
Morphology, Morfoloji, Brakiyal pleksus, Brachial plexus, Güvercinler, Pigeons, Tavuklar, Chickens, Ördekler, Ducks
Yıldız, H. (1996). Tavuk, yerli ördek ve güvercinlerde Plexus Brachialis'in oluşumu ve plexus oluşumuna katılan Temel Rami Ventrales'teki Sinir Fasciculus'larının sayı, çap, yerleşim ve dağılımlarının makroanatomik ve subgros incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.