Usage of non-routine problem solving strategies: Semi-structured interviews with first grade students


The aim of this study is to search how the first graders solve problems including problem solving strategies and what they wonder about in this period. For this aim, 6 non - routine problems including problem solving strategies were prepared to test students. Problem solving strategies named look for a pattern, make a drawing, work backwards, systematic list were chosen. Also non routine division problem was chosen for the test. The test was examined in research as a pilot study to 40 first grade students. Following redesigning of the test, it was put into practice with 12 first grade students in Bursa. Problem solving behaviors of students were observed with video camera in the interviews and images are recorded to be printed out. The findings of the study show that first graders apply look for a pattern strategy successfully and there is a significant relationship in scores of students and their achievements in mathematics. Furthermore, relationship between the scores of the students and their gender is insignificant.


Bu çalışma, 03-07 Şubat 2011 tarihleri arasında İstanbul[Türkiye]’da düzenlenen 3. World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES)’da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Education & educational research, Mathematics, Non-routine problem, Problem solving, Problem solving in first grade, Semi-structured interview


Çelebioğlu, B. vd. (2011). "Usage of non-routine problem solving strategies: Semi-structured interviews with first grade students". ed. G. Akçamete vd. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3. World Conference on Educational Sciences- 2011, 15, 2753-2757.