Asmalarda tuza dayanıklılık testleri ve tuza dayanımda etkili bazı faktörler üzerinde araştırmalar
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
5 BB, 41 B ve 1613 asma anaçlan ile Çavuş, Müşküle ve Sultani Çekirdeksiz üzüm çeşitlerine in vitro ve sera koşullarında tuz testleri uygulanmıştır. In vitro tuz testlerinde kullanılan materyal aktif tomurcuk kültürü yöntemi ile çoğaltılmıştır. Tek boğumlu sürgünler MS+5pM BA ortamında, %0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 ve 1.00 olmak üzere 5 farklı NaCl konsantrasyonu ile 4 ve 8 hafta olmak üzere iki farklı zaman periyodunda tuza maruz bırakılmışlardır. Artan NaCl konsantrasyonu ve uygulama süresine bağlı olarak eksplantlarda çoğalma, büyüme ve toplam klorofil miktannın azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Sera koşullannda yapılan tuz testlerinde kullanılan materyal ise aktif tomurcuğu olan tek boğumlu çeliklerin, içinde perlit bulunan büyütme kaplarında sürdürülmesiyle elde edilmiştir. Sürgünler tek boğumlu hale geldiklerinde, aynı konsantrasyonlarda NaCl içeren MS çözeltisi ile sulanarak 4 hafta süreyle tuza maruz bırakılmışlardır. Artan NaCl konsantrasyonlarına bağlı olarak çeliklerin sürgün ve kök büyümesi ile yapraklarında toplam klorofil miktarının azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Tuz uygulamaları, bitkinin tüm organlarında Na birikimine neden olmuş; ayrıca Na:Ca oranlan artarken, K:Na oranlan azalmıştır. Gerek in vitro gerek sera koşullannda yapılan tuz uygulamalan, NaCl konsantrasyonlan ve uygulama süreleri ile çeşitlere bağlı olarak bitkilerde farklı şiddetlerde zararlanmalann meydana gelmesine ve canlılığın yitirilmesine neden olmuştur. Kullanılan anaç ve kültür çeşitlerinde tuza dayanımlarının belirlenmesi için in vitro tuz testlerinde eksplant ağırlığı ve toplam klorofil bazında hesaplanan tolerans oram ve tolerans indeksi ile yüzde canlılık; Merada tuz testlerinde ise bunlara ilave olarak kök ağırlığı bazında hesaplanan tolerans oram Ne tolerans indeksleri ile farklı organların Na kapsamları, K:Na ve Na:Ca dengelerini koruyabilme yetenekleri kullanılmıştır. Her iki koşulda anaç ve kültür çeşitleri arasında tuza dayanımları bakımından benzer farklılıklar ortaya çıkmıştır. Anaçlar arasında 1613 tuza en dayanıldı olarak belirlenirken, bunu sırasıyla 5 BB ve 41 B izlemiştir. Kültür çeşitleri arasında ise Çavuş tuza en dayanıldı olarak tespit edilmiş, bunu sırasıyla Sultani Çekirdeksiz ve Müşküle takip etmiştir. Tuza dayanıklı olduğu tespit edilen anaç ya da kültür çeşitlerinin tuzlu ortamlarda büyüme oranlarını nispeten koruyabildikleri ve klorofil noksanlığı gibi metabolik bozukluklardan sakınabildikleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, kökleri ile daha az Na alıp, bunu yapraklarından uzak tutabilen, dolayısı ile iyon dengelerini koruyabilen çeşitlerin tuza daha dayanıldı oldukları tespit edilmiştir.
Salt resistance tests were conducted in 5 BB, 41 B and 1613 grape rootstocks and in Çavuş, Müşküle and Sultani Çekirdeksiz grape cultivars under in vitro and greenhouse conditions. Plant materials used in in vitro salt resistance tests were propagated by the axillarv bud culture method. Single nodal segments were subjected to five different NaCl concentrations (0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00%) in MS + 5 pM BA medium for two different periods (4 and 8 weeks). Proliferatıon, growth and chiorophyil contents decreased due to the increase ın NaCl concentration and treatment period. Plant materials used in salt resistance tests under greenhouse conditions were obtained by shooting of single nodal cuttings with axillary buds. on growth containers containing perlite. When their shoots reached to the single node stage, the cuttings were subjected to salt for 4 weeks by irrigating them with MS Solutions ıncluding similar NaCl concentrations used in in vitro experiments. Shoot and root growth and total chiorophyil contents of cuttings decreased due to the increase in NaCl concentrations. Salt treatments caused to Na accumulation in ali the organs of the plant. Moreover, K:Na ratio decreased whereas Na:Ca ratio increased. Salt treatments conducted under in vitro and greenhouse conditions caused to loss of viability and injuries at different levels in plants, depending on NaCl concentrations, treatment periods and grape rootstocks and cultivars. Beside the percentage viability, tolerance ratio and tolerance index were calculated on the bases of explant weight and total chiorophyil to determine salt resistance of grape rootstocks and cultivars duıing in vitro salt treatments. Hovvever, in greenhouse salt resistance tests, tolerance ratio and tolerance index calculated on the basis of root weight, Na contents of different organs and the ability of maintaining K:Na and Na:Ca balances were also used in addition to the above parameters. The differences occurred in salt resistance of grape rootstocks and cultivars were similar under both conditions (i.e., in vitro and greenhouse experiments). The most resistant grape rootstock to salt treatments was 1613 and this was followed by 5 BB and 41 B. Furthermore, the most resistant grape cultivar to salt treatments was Çavuş, and this was followed by Sultani Çekirdeksiz and Müşküle. It was determined that salt resistant grape rootstocks and cultivars could relatively maintain their growth rates and could avoid from metabolic disorders such as chiorophyil deficiency. Moreover, it was concluded that grape rootstocks and cultivars, which took up less Na through their roots and exclude it from their leaves and therefore maintain their ion balances, were more resistant to salt.
Salt resistance tests were conducted in 5 BB, 41 B and 1613 grape rootstocks and in Çavuş, Müşküle and Sultani Çekirdeksiz grape cultivars under in vitro and greenhouse conditions. Plant materials used in in vitro salt resistance tests were propagated by the axillarv bud culture method. Single nodal segments were subjected to five different NaCl concentrations (0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00%) in MS + 5 pM BA medium for two different periods (4 and 8 weeks). Proliferatıon, growth and chiorophyil contents decreased due to the increase ın NaCl concentration and treatment period. Plant materials used in salt resistance tests under greenhouse conditions were obtained by shooting of single nodal cuttings with axillary buds. on growth containers containing perlite. When their shoots reached to the single node stage, the cuttings were subjected to salt for 4 weeks by irrigating them with MS Solutions ıncluding similar NaCl concentrations used in in vitro experiments. Shoot and root growth and total chiorophyil contents of cuttings decreased due to the increase in NaCl concentrations. Salt treatments caused to Na accumulation in ali the organs of the plant. Moreover, K:Na ratio decreased whereas Na:Ca ratio increased. Salt treatments conducted under in vitro and greenhouse conditions caused to loss of viability and injuries at different levels in plants, depending on NaCl concentrations, treatment periods and grape rootstocks and cultivars. Beside the percentage viability, tolerance ratio and tolerance index were calculated on the bases of explant weight and total chiorophyil to determine salt resistance of grape rootstocks and cultivars duıing in vitro salt treatments. Hovvever, in greenhouse salt resistance tests, tolerance ratio and tolerance index calculated on the basis of root weight, Na contents of different organs and the ability of maintaining K:Na and Na:Ca balances were also used in addition to the above parameters. The differences occurred in salt resistance of grape rootstocks and cultivars were similar under both conditions (i.e., in vitro and greenhouse experiments). The most resistant grape rootstock to salt treatments was 1613 and this was followed by 5 BB and 41 B. Furthermore, the most resistant grape cultivar to salt treatments was Çavuş, and this was followed by Sultani Çekirdeksiz and Müşküle. It was determined that salt resistant grape rootstocks and cultivars could relatively maintain their growth rates and could avoid from metabolic disorders such as chiorophyil deficiency. Moreover, it was concluded that grape rootstocks and cultivars, which took up less Na through their roots and exclude it from their leaves and therefore maintain their ion balances, were more resistant to salt.
Asma, Grape, NaCl uygulamaları, NaCl treatments, Tuzun etkileri, Tuz zararı, Tuza dayanım, Salt effects, Salt injury, Salt resistance
Sivritepe, N. (1995). Asmalarda tuza dayanıklılık testleri ve tuza dayanımda etkili bazı faktörler üzerinde araştırmalar. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.