İmam Hatip Liseleri pansiyonlarında kalan öğrencilerin problem ve beklentileri (İnegöl ve Yıldırım ilçeleri örneği)
Aknur, Esmanur
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İnsan hayatının gelişim safhaları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda şüphesiz bunların en önemli ve en kritik dönemlerinden biri de ergenlik dönemidir. Bu dönemde bedensel ve ruhsal değişimler ve gelişimler gösteren gençler dini açıdan mükellef kabul edilmektedir. Bireysel ve toplumsal amacı bulunan din eğitimi, bireyin dini problemlerine, gereksinimlerine, beklentilerine doğru cevap vermeyi, hurafe ve batıl inanışlardan uzak bir din mefhumuna sahip olmayı, var olan problemleri çözüme kavuşturmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu araştırma ergenlik döneminde bulunan gençlerin dini problem ve beklentilerini tespit ederek bireyin manevi iyi oluş durumunda din eğitiminin işlevsel yönünden faydalanabilmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma gurubunu Bursa ili Yıldırım ve İnegöl İlçeleri İmam-Hatip Liseleri Pansiyon öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veriler anket araştırması ile elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen istatiksel analizler ve hesaplamalarda SPSS programı kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, okul, pansiyon yaşantısı, öğretmen, arkadaş, kitle iletişim araçları, ailenin tutum ve davranışlarının öğrencinin dini yaşantısında hem olumlu hem de olumsuz etkisinin olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Düşünce ve kanaatler, varsayım, mukayese, değerlendirmeler yapılarak eldeki veriler kapsamında yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Considering the developmental stages of human life, one of the most important and critical periods of these is adolescence. In this period, young people who showed physical and spiritual changes and developments are considered amenable in religious aspects. Religious education, which has individual and social purposes, aims to respond to the religious problems, needs and expectations of the individual correctly, to have a religious concept away from superstition and superstitions, and to solve existing problems. This research aims to determine the religious problems and expectations of the young people in adolescence and to benefit from the functional aspect of religious education in case of spiritual well-being of the individual. The study group of the research consists of Bursa Province Yıldırım and İnegöl Districts Imam-Hatip High Schools Hostel students. In the research, the data were obtained by survey and observation. The SPSS program was used in the statistical analyzes and calculations obtained. The findings reveal that school, hostel life, teacher, friend, mass media, attitudes and behaviors of the family have both a positive and negative effect on the student's religious life. Thoughts and opinions, assumptions, comparisons, evaluations were made and tried to be interpreted within the scope of the available data.
Considering the developmental stages of human life, one of the most important and critical periods of these is adolescence. In this period, young people who showed physical and spiritual changes and developments are considered amenable in religious aspects. Religious education, which has individual and social purposes, aims to respond to the religious problems, needs and expectations of the individual correctly, to have a religious concept away from superstition and superstitions, and to solve existing problems. This research aims to determine the religious problems and expectations of the young people in adolescence and to benefit from the functional aspect of religious education in case of spiritual well-being of the individual. The study group of the research consists of Bursa Province Yıldırım and İnegöl Districts Imam-Hatip High Schools Hostel students. In the research, the data were obtained by survey and observation. The SPSS program was used in the statistical analyzes and calculations obtained. The findings reveal that school, hostel life, teacher, friend, mass media, attitudes and behaviors of the family have both a positive and negative effect on the student's religious life. Thoughts and opinions, assumptions, comparisons, evaluations were made and tried to be interpreted within the scope of the available data.
Din, Eğitim, Din eğitimi, Dindarlık, Ergenlik, Religion, Education, Religious education, Religiousness, Adolescence