Dye selection for alkaline one-step disperse/reactive dyeing of polyester/cotton blends

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Amer Assoc Textile Chemists Colorists-AATCC


Dyeing of polyester/cotton fabrics with one-step processes leads to substantial savings in process time, water, and energy pollution. Alkaline dyeing is one alternative for one-step dyeing of polyester/cotton fabrics, but dye selection is a critical factor affecting the success of the process. Reactive dyes must be stable at high temperatures and disperse dyes must be stable in alkaline media and in the presence of electrolyte. In this study, the alkaline one-step dyeing process and the selection of appropriate reactive and disperse dyes have been discussed.



Chemistry, Engineering, Materials science, Cotton, Dyeing, One-step dyeing, Polyester, Cotton fabrics, Dispersions, Environmental impact, High temperature operations, Polyesters, Textile processing, Cotton-polyester blend, Reactive dye, Dye selection, Energy pollution, One-step disperse dyeing, Reactive dyeing, Dyes


Eren, H. A. ve Aniş, P. (2004). “Dye selection for alkaline one-step disperse/reactive dyeing of polyester/cotton blends”. AATCC Review, 4(7), 23-27.